Chapter 35

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As the days went by, Apollo visited Persephone regularly. Artemis and the Oceanides held a healthier balance between friendship and distance, yet Persephone didn't want to dismiss the god of music. Everytime she was alone she found herself reminiscing her time Below, and she didn't like the dark thoughts that consumed her. Demeter seemed to revel in the often times the handsome god came by - if her daughter wasn't to be a maiden goddess, she could just as well be married off to the most gallant beau of the Olympian Court.

'How is your sister?' Persephone asked as the two of them walked toward the town. They had talked about hot chocolate and whipped cream the evening before, and she was determined to try it today. Summer was coming and it had already thrown the world into longer days and shorter nights, warming the earth and pushing the fruits and vegetables from the nutritious dirt. 

'She's fine', he said, furrowing his brow. It had become clear to Persephone that something rubbed him the wrong way regarding his sister. She didn't want to ask for something he didn't want to talk about, so she kept asking him how Artemis was doing but nothing more.

The mortals looked up in awe when the two handsome divinities walked into town, one with a face as though it had been sculpted out of marble, the other with the golden eyes and flowers in her trail. Persephone's laughter filled the hazy summer air and Apollo put an arm around her shoulders, breaking more than one heart in the main street. The first time she had felt uncomfortable, but she came to accept it was something he just did. Nothing ever really mattered to him, everything was just matter-of-fact. 

'Let's go here', he said as they walked past a busy tavern. Live music was playing inside and Persephone shrugged, following him in. She had told him she was searching for a specific mortal. She hadn't told him she was certain Hades had made a mistake regarding Orpheus and Eurydice - like she made a mistake staying in the Underworld for such a long time that all these innocent mortals died because of her love for Hades. She meant to make up for it and didn't know anything else than to track Orpheus down. What better way to start than in a live music café?

'What can I get the both of you?' the waitress asked while ogling Apollo up and down.

'Hot chocolate and whipped cream for two', he said without looking up. The waitress was stalling, trying to catch his eye, but Apollo yawned and rubbed his eyes.

'What's on your mind?' Persephone crossed her arms, looking at him intently.

'What do you mean?'

'That girl was drooling all over you - normally you wouldn't pass on that.' He shrugged.

'Too easy. Come on, I thought you'd have a higher opinion of me by now.'

'Really though, what's up?' He sighed.

'What's up? What's up with Artemis' mortal boy? What does she see in him?' Persephone cocked her head, a playful smile curling her lips. Apollo jealous, who would have thought? He rolled his eyes at her. 'Don't look at me like that.' Her smile grew and he grunted. The waitress brought them two mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream.

'I gave you some extra whipped cream', she said, winking. Apollo arched his eyebrow, forcing a smile which sent her knees shaking.

'Thanks', he said, and the girl walked away as though he had declared his eternal love for her. Persephone shook her head.

'It really is not normal the way mortal girls respond to your pheromones. Boy, hold it together, will you?' He let out a laugh, clearing the sky between them. 

'I wouldn't be so upset about Artemis' mortal boy, weren't it for the fact you were chasing one as well.' He drank from the hot chocolate, and Persephone chuckled. 

'You know us girls', she teased, 'we do love some good heartache if we can help it.' He shrugged again and looked at her untouched drink.

'Try it', he said with the softest voice, 'you won't be disappointed.' But she knew she would be, because it wasn't snowing and it wasn't the cosy tavern in Asphodel Meadows and she wasn't with the man she wanted to be with. She drank from it anyway, letting the hot sweetness find a way through her body. She did like the whipped cream - and flushed she thought about a certain immortal male licking it off her body. 

'Let's go home', she said right before midnight. They had been talking for hours about the thousands of years Apollo roamed the Earth, about loves lost and loves denied, great parenting and not such great parenting, the Olympian Court and the Twelve Great Ones, Tartarus and the things Persephone liked Below. After the first hot chocolate he'd come to sit next to her in order to hear her better over the loud music. His arm lay on the backrest of the bench, his fingers tapped on the leather, following the rhythm of the music. Yes, that was Apollo.

'You sure?' he asked, having a great time among mortalkind. Persephone didn't think Orpheus would be coming after midnight. She shrugged and grabbed her jacket.

'Yeah, let's go. I can come back tomorrow.' The god of the hunt brought her home and kissed her curls brotherly before walking away. Persephone hurried into the house, where Demeter sat waiting by the kitchen table. With a mischievous gleam in her eye she looked up from her game.

'Did you have a good time, dear?' she asked.

'Very much so, thank you, breakfast tomorrow at nine? Goodnight.' Persephone hurried into her room, where a tall figure lay waiting on her bed. She locked the door behind her as Hermes looked up from a romance novel he found laying around.

'There you are', he sighed. 'I was getting worried you wouldn't come home anymore.' He sat upright and arched his brow, studying her, spotting an excited pink aura. 'You've been out.'

'Yes, I have. It was fun, thank you very much.' He tapped his fingers on his leg and cocked his head to the side.

'What can I do for you, lovely young goddess?' She knelt down before him, resting her hands on his knees and staring up to him with big innocent eyes. 

'Tell me how he is. I know you've gone to see him.' Her smile faltered seeing his grave face.

'He is okay. He misses having you around.' He smiled faintly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes for a second.

'Can you get something down there for me?' She got up and started rummaging through her stuff before he could say anything. Curious he tried to get a look, and as she got up he saw a brown paper bag. 

'What's in there?'

'Can you give it to him, please?' He shrugged and accepted the paper bag.

'Sure thing. Express delivery?'

'Yes, please.' She balanced on her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. 'Thank you, Hermes.' Smiling, he patted her on the head.

'Good night, kid.' That night she fell asleep with a big, happy smile on her face. She could already picture his face when he would receive the small package. 

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