Chapter 46

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Persephone thudded on the big poofy pillow and sighed contently.

'I love being back,' she smiled, 'I missed you a lot.' Hades found he was still nervous around her, afraid she might leave at a moment's notice. Their relationship felt like a fragile thing to hold, although everything Persephone said and did proved otherwise. However, she did leave him after a fight.

He sat down beside her on the floor and crossed his legs. Persephone noticed how careful he was around her. Careful in the way he said things, careful about what he said, even the way they made love. She needed him to be the god he was when they first met, the confident divinity that drew her in.

'Truth or Dare,' she said. Amusement flickered his eye.

'Dare.' She chuckled and tried to sit upright.

'I dare you to say yes to everything I ask of you today.'

'I already say yes to everything you ask.'

'Kiss me.' He leant over to her and she shook her head slowly, a darkness in her eyes that sparked a heat in his loins.

'Leave,' he ordered briskly without breaking eye contact with her. The nymphs that sat in a corner of the room and the satyr that stood by the door abruptly obeyed and left. She revelled in the authoritative tone in his voice. She wanted to get up and take off her clothes, she wanted to tell him what to do to her, but a pink shame settled under her skin before she dared speak a word. It had felt like she was the superior one in the relationship since she got back, the one holding the reigns. It had made her feel powerful. However, as soon as she caught a glimpse of the fearsome god she met, she buckled.

He shot her a sly smile and crawled towards her. His hand landed on her thigh and slid slowly under her dress.


'Yes,' she breathed and he bent over to kiss her above the knee, kneading her flesh, looking at her intently. He planted a couple of kisses, trailing up her thigh. She arched her back and threw her head back, accepting the blackness that wanted to swallow her whole.

After an hour they were sitting at the lavishly set dining table. He was eating dark roasted bread with butter and drinking tea. He watched her intently, like he could see right into her soul. It sent goosebumps over her skin. She played with the olives on her plate.

'Does Eurydice still know her name?' she asked out of the blue. He sipped from his tea.

'No.' Hesitation. 'She still knows Orpheus, though. He is an afterthought, you needn't worry about her. She'll be okay.'

'But I do worry,' Persephone said. 'Can I go see her?' He shot her a cautious glance.

'You have never been my prisoner, Persephone. You may go wherever you want, whenever you want.' She smiled sweetly and got up from her chair. She kissed him on the cheek and ran off.

Asphodel Meadows was the same it had ever been. The only thing that had changed were the souls inhabiting the place. Of course, there were the souls that remembered her still. They greeted her happily. But there were also new arrivals. Persephone made her way to the fields bordering on the woods, where a couple of houses gathered around a square.

'It's true!' Eurydice cried out when she saw the goddess. 'You're really back!' She ran over to Persephone and grabbed her hands, turning round and round.

'I'm happy to see you, too,' Persephone said, laughing merrily. 'How has it been Below?'

'Horrible,' Eurydice sighed. 'The Lord had a really bad time when you weren't here. For weeks on end we had to keep low to not invoke his anger.' Persephone glanced over at the dark castle that loomed over the lands. Her heart broke for him, as it did for the innocent souls Below. Eurydice placed her hand on Persephone's arm and gave her a pitiful smile.

'It's okay,' she said. 'Don't feel bad for us. He keeps us safe, that is all that matters. And you! How were things Up?' Persephone pulled her into a tight hug.

'It was lovely,' she murmured. 'I missed the song and dance of Summer. The birds and the flowers, the hot sun-' she fell silent, violently blushing. How dared she, talking to a spirit about the delicious golden rays of Helios and the divine morning song of the lark?

'It's okay,' Eurydice spoke again. 'You talking about the living world will be the highlight of my existence down here. I wish I could never forget it. It is the world in which my Orpheus lives.'

'I met him,' Persephone blurted out. 'I have gone to see him.'

'You have!' Eurydice cried out, jumping to her feet. 'How is my love?' Hesitation.

'He is fine. He misses you, but he keeps hismelf busy with his concerts. He is doing great.'

'I'm so happy for him. Music had always been his passion. His talent deserves to be recognised.' Persephone smiled. It didn't escape her attention that Eurydice didn't wish anything for herself.

'He really wanted you back, actually. Would descend into the pits of Hell for you.' Eurydice started fidgeting with the sesms of her sweater. She was concerned for his well-being. Persephone recognised her aching heart.

'Isn't that forbidden?' she asked shyly.

'It is. Would you want to trade places with him?' Eurydice jerked up and shook her head violently.

'Never. He may live life to the fullest. As long as he is safe.' Persephone bit back her tongue. She didn't want to hurt her friend. However, she wanted to be honest with her. She needed to be honest with her.

'As long as you're sure.' She got up.

'Could you...? have us trade places?'

'I can,' Persephone bluffed. 'I told Orpheus as well - but he wouldn't have it. I have to go now, Hecate is waiting for me. If there is anything I can do for you, you need to tell me.' The girl was still lost in thought when Persephone left. She hated herself for planting even the smallest seed of doubt in Eurydice's mind, but Eurydice needed to let go of him if she ever wanted to move on.

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