Chapter 34

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Artemis and Apollo came to see Persephone when she was sitting in her mother's garden, wallowing in self-pity. Demeter had made lunch for her - marinated green olives, dark bread with butter, dates with creamcheese. It all tasted wonderful, but it didn't make her happy. She played with the olives that kept rolling around on her plate when Apollo jumped over the closed gate and Artemis opened it after him.

'Morning', the god of music sang as he bent over and kissed her curls before stealing a handful of dates and falling into a hanging chair. Artemis gave her a hug before she sat beside her on the wooden bench in the shadows of the pergola.

'It's a lovely day to be outside', she said. 'Why won't you go into the forest with me and Apollo?' As Winter evolved into Summer, the green foliage grew a dark shade in the woods, allowing the deer and swine to find shelter and food again. 

'I'm not a hunter like you two', Persephone said, faintly smiling. 

'We can show you how to use the handbow!' Apollo cried out. 'Come on, it's been some time we have gone out hunting.'

'It's not that I don't know how to', she said, cocking her head to the side, 'I just don't want to kill anything.'

'Okay, we won't kill anything', Artemis promised, 'but you'll find it's rather exhilerating hunting something down and knowing how to use the bow. Let's go, Persephone, don't keep yourself a prisoner here.' Apollo jumped to his feet and extended his hand.

'Come on', he said with a beaming smile she couldn't refuse. She allowed him to pull her to her feet and followed the twins toward the woods. The hunt was indeed exhilerating. She loved flying through the woods, her feet barely touching the mossy surfaces. Her heart was beating against her ribs, adrenaline was speeding through her veins. The three of them zigzagged through the trees, jumping over rocks and roots, ducking under low branches. Laughing she found her way through the woods, following the wild deer fleeing from them. 

'Thank you', she panted as they lay in a meadow in the middle of the woods. Apollo's chest was heaving, his shirt stuck to his sweating body. Artemis' face was flushed and she looked lovelier than ever. The twins lay on her sides. Persephone felt both their fingers searching for hers and she allowed them both to take her hands.

'There was a time I only regretted coming back', she admitted, 'but thanks to both of you it's not just regret. It's also happiness.' Both of them squeezed her hands acknowledging her feelings. As the exhaustion waned off, Artemis wanted to show her how to use the handbow. As the three of them were getting ready, Artemis seemed distracted.

'I'm sorry', she said blushing. 'I thought I - Never mind. Put your feet apart.' Squinting her eyes Persephone studied her friend.

'What's up, Artemis?' The goddess threw a quick glance over her shoulder before getting behind Persephone. She helped her getting into the perfect position. Apollo seemed distracted as well, not paying attention to their conversation and playing with a squirrel he spotted.

'Orion is in the woods. He is nearby, I can sense him', Artemis whispered, hardly audible.

'Go to him!' Persephone said. 'Go!' Artemis glanced at her brother again, hesitating. 'I'll distract the boy', Persephone offered, teasing. Artemis' hazel eyes brightened and she stepped aside.

'I won't be too long', she said.

'I wouldn't care whether you'd come back at all', Persephone chuckled. 'Go.' As Artemis started running, Apollo looked up, a confused glint in his eye, which altered to worry before long. His good mood seemed tempered immediately. He walked over to Persephone, wonder in his eyes.

'Did she tell you where she was going?'

'No.' She cocked her head to the side and took the bow in her other hand.

'You're lying to me.'

'Yes, I am. Did you want to teach me this or did you change your mind?' Muttering he got behind her - maybe a little too close for comfort - and placed his hands on her elbows, leading his hands toward hers. She could hear him breathing close to her ear, sending goosebumps all over her body. 

'Hold the bow like this. Lower your shoulders. Straighten your back - like this.' She felt a hand in the small of her back, another hand on her shoulder. She swallowed. 

'Okay, I think I got it.' He placed his hands on her fingers, altering her grip on the bow. She noticed him looking at her from up close, but chose to ignore it before she'd say anything she might regret. 

'Are you nervous?' he murmured. She lowered the bow and arrow and turned around to face him, finding the dark shadows in his eyes she easily recognised now. She smiled faintly as she took a step back.

'I'm super hungry. Let's go back. I'll race you.' She pushed the bow in his arms as she started running away from him, laughing happily but flustered. She knew exactly what he was thinking standing so close behind her and she didn't like it one bit. Her heart was still Hades' and she missed him terribly. Apollo rushed past her right before reaching the fields, and panting he plunged into the grass.

'I won', he breathed.

'So you have', Persephone said equally breathless, glad the longing gleam in his eye had gone. His boyish face was now flushed, and she thought he was extremely beautiful right then. 

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