[6] old friends and new friends

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As Valentine arose with the cup held high in his right hand, Jace held up his seraph blade and Rowena stood protectively in front of Jocelyn. "Valentine." Jace spoke, obviously shaken at the unexpected sight in front of him.

"Demons." Valentine said, in a confident voice, "Attack my enemies." Rowena put her knife back in her pocket and held both her hands up as a golden orange glow emerged from each one. Two spheres of golden orange energy appeared in her hands as her eyes started to glow a similar colour. "I COMMAND YOU!" Valentine yelled, his coarse voice echoing through the large, dark room.

"Knock it off, guys!" Clary yelled and the demons stopped trying to enter, retreating away from the building. A concerned and surprised look graced Valentine's features, "You're not the only one who knows how to cast a glamour." She said, taking the real mortal cup out of her bag as a 'World's Best Dad' mug appeared in Valentine's hand-that he smashed out of pure anger and frustration. "Should we let the demons take care of this? Or..." Clary joked.

Jace interrupted, moving forward slightly, "No. Send them away. He's mine."

"Demons, be gone!" Clary shouted and the demons left swiftly with no noise. At this moment, Rowena let her hands fall to her sides, the balls of energy evaporating and her eyes going back to their normal light brown colour.

"You pretended to be my father." Jace said, angry tears forming in his eyes.

Valentine sighed, "I wasn't pretending, Jace."

"You murdered him. You're a liar!" Jace spoke, moving forward and lifting his seraph blade to Valentine's throat.

Valentine's breathing sped up, his hands held up in surrender as he spoke to Jace, "I am your father. I always have been. The face that you saw as Michael Wayland was mine. Then and now. It was a powerful glamour. I want you to know me as I am. To know the truth about me... and you."

"Jace! Jace, don't listen to him! He's my father. We know that for a fact." Clary yelled, trying to grab Jace's attention but it was focused entirely on was Valentine.

"Yes, that's true. That's a fact. I am your father, Clary." He spoke to Clary, then moved towards Jace, "And Jace's. Think about it. Why are the two of you so drawn together? You are meant to be. Blood calls to blood, no? Ah..." Jace looked terrified, like his world had come crashing down as he let his hand fall and his seraph blade with it. Valentine looked pleased with himself as he went to a dirty mirror and drew a portal.

"My dear family... together at last. A lost mother, found. A brother and sister, finally united." He spoke, menacingly. Jace screamed and brought his seraph blade to Valentine's neck once again. Rowena was shocked, she looked at the three shadowhunters with pity and sadness. She felt bad for both Clary and Jace to have to deal with a psychopath like Valentine as a father. "You won't kill me. You won't kill me... I said that you were weak, and I meant it." Jace grunted and groaned, tears forming and teeth gritting. "What's wrong, Jace? Can't kill the man who raised you, hmm?" Valentine teased.

"I can!" Clary shouted, lunging for Valentine but he was too quick as he grabbed Jace and held his blade against Jace's throat, stopping Clary in her tracks.

"Go ahead, Clary. Two for one. We can't even fight back, huh? No? Come with me, son. You know that you love me. Your sister is welcome to join us. And bring your mother along. We can find a way to get her moving again." Valentine continued to tease, loving the power he had over the two shadowhunters, before he let Jace go and left through the portal leaving Clary and Jace utterly dumbfounded.

Thankfully, at that moment, Luke barged through the doors to the room, alive and safe-if not covered with bruises and scratches-as he checked over Clary and ran to Jocelyn, Rowena moving out of his way. "Jocelyn. I'm taking you home," He spoke softly.


Rowena helped Clary, Luke and Jace get Jocelyn to the Institute and explained to Luke what had happened as neither Jace nor Clary had the strength to speak. As she entered the Institute, she was amazed at how much it had changed since she had last been there, around a hundred years ago. Clary and Jace took Jocelyn away into an empty room and Rowena was left to marvel at the sight before her.

"I bet you're stunned at the renovations this place has had over the years." A familiar voice spoke behind Rowena, she turned to see an old friend of hers.

"Magnus Bane." She spoke, moving forward to pull him into a hug. "What are you doing in a Shadowhunter Institute?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same question, Sunshine." He responded, with a nickname Rowena hadn't heard in a while. She widened her eyes and nodded her head towards Magnus, to indicate that wanted a reason. "I was helping a friend."

"A friend? Or a lover?" Rowena teased in a sing-song voice.

Magnus chuckled at his friend's childishness and shook his head, "A friend. What about you?"

"I was kidnapped by Valentine. I escaped and found two shadowhunters, Clary and Jace, and helped them on their little quest to get Clary's mother back." Rowena explained. "You know Clary and Jace?" She asked after seeing the look on his face at the mention of their names.

"I met them, yes. I've been helping their friends, Isabelle and Alexander." He replied. Rowena just nodded. "Anyway, I am on my way back home, would you like to accompany me? We could catch-up."

"I'll come by later. I want to check on Clary first." Rowena said.

Magnus flicked his wrist and a piece of paper appeared in his hand, which he then handed over to Rowena, "My current address, I shall see you soon, Sunshine." And with that, Magnus left through a portal and Rowena went to find Clary.


"How are you doing?" Rowena asked as she entered the room Jocelyn was in. Clary looked up and wiped a tear away as she shook her head.

"I don't know."

Rowena moved from the door to stand next to Clary before pulling her into a comforting hug. "You're not alone. I promise... If you need anything you come to me." She consoled as Clary released herself from Rowena's grip giving her a small smile.

"Thank you." Clary replied. "I'm glad you showed up, to be honest, I don't know if I would be functioning if it weren't for you. Having to leave Simon at the DuMort, and everything with Jace, it's nice to have someone who is just there." She expressed. "That probably made no sense."

Rowena smiled, "I understand. It's good when there's someone there for you who isn't really involved in the situation." Clary nodded.

"Do you think there's a way to wake her up?" She asked, her voice trembling as she ran her hands up and down her arms in discomfort.

"Of course, there is." Rowena said, confidently. "If she is anything like her amazing daughter, she will come back to you. No matter how long it takes."

A/N: Sorry it's a bit late but I was at comic con today in Birmingham and it was so good! It was my first one as well. Have any of you been to comic con before? And what did you cosplay as?

Luv u xxx

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