After Rowena awoke, she was told by Simon that Camille had left, she was long gone. He told her that Clary was still on the phone and they should start searching through the books for the book of the white. Rowena nodded, slowly getting off the floor. Her whole body ached and her head throbbed, she had never fainted before. She had never done what she had done to Camille before. Rowena knew she could conjure fire but she'd only ever done it once, when she was very young and still being trained by her mother.
"You okay?" Simon asked as Rowena moved to stand up. He stood next to her holding her arm and guiding her to make sure she wouldn't fall back down.
Rowena nodded in response to Simon's question, "I've never done that before." She stated, putting a hand up to her head as her eyes started to focus.
"Which one; fainting or the fire rope thing?" He asked, his voice light and jokey.
"Both." Rowena replied. She took a deep breath as her headache subsided and she felt stronger. She moved away from Simon and walked towards the bookcase, "We should start searching. It could take ages."
Simon smiled and walked to the opposite side, "Yeah, we should." He started, "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
"Yeah. I'm good."
"I wish my mom had left us something. Some sort of clue." Clary said, frustratingly looking through multiple books on a bookshelf next to her as Simon followed and Rowena was roaming through the bookcase on the other side of the room. After Clary had gotten off the phone they had managed to get through a lot of books and were still searching.
Simon slotted the book he was holding back into the shelf, "Maybe she did. Did she ever say anything about a book?"
"I don't think so. And if she did, she erased my memory of anything to do with the Shadowworld." Clary huffed, continuously pulling books out of the shelf and flipping through them.
"Well, there's gotta be something. Maybe the clue has something to do with colour, you know?" Simon started as Clary took a particular book out of the shelf. "White is the absence of colour, so... or is that black?"
Rowena stifled a laugh, "Black." She corrected, looking over at Simon and Clary. "You got something, Clary?" She asked after noticing the expression on the redhead's face.
"Just let me think for a second." She said, moving over to the table in the middle of the room and placing the book onto it.
Simon and Rowena looked at Clary with confused faces as they read the cover of the book, moving closer to the table Clary had laid the book on, "Clary, that's a cookbook." Simon stated.
"I've seen this before." Clary said as she started to flip through the book, "Chicken cacciatore, remember? My mom used to make it all the time."
Simon stood next to Clary with Rowena on the other side of the table, "How could I forget? Even better the next day. The gift that keeps on giving. It's..."
"Maybe more than we realized." Clary said as she reached into her jacket.
Both Simon and Rowena looked in awe as they saw the other half of the bookmark that Clary had in her pocket, "Is that what I think it is?" Simon asked.
Clary nodded, taking her piece of the bookmark out of her pocket and matching it up with the other half in the book. The rip between the two parts magically sealed itself together as the book started to glow and change into the book of the white.

FanfictionRowena sighed, "My father, after learning that my mother was a demon, fled to Heaven. I never met him. He abandoned me..." Rowena paused, pulling the arms of her black sweatshirt over her hands, a tear falling from her right eye that she quickly wip...