Rowena stood with Jace and Clary, still in the creepy, abandoned warehouse, arguing about what to do next. Simon had just been pulled through a portal by Idris' local sociopath and was on some kind of rampage.
"Clary, we can't panic." Jace comforted, putting his hand on her arm but Clary – in amidst of her panic – shrugged it off.
"He's a psychopath. He's capable of anything. Simon is innocent in all of this. The only reason Valentine took him captive is because I care about him." She yelled, tears welling in her eyes as she breathed heavily.
Rowena pulled Clary into a hug, "It's not your fault – it's that bastard Valentine's fault. He's the one to blame." Clary nodded and mumbled a thank you before pulling away when Luke approached the group.
"Hey. All the prisoners are either dead or gone. No sign of Cleophas." He informed, a defeated look on his face. Rowena knew that he wasn't close with his sister but that doesn't make it any less excruciating to know they're not safe.
Clary started breathing heavily again, her eyes widening, "Hey, it's gonna be okay." Jace reassured.
Suddenly, Clary's phone rang. On the screen was a picture of Simon along with his name. Clary looked from the phone up to Luke, Jace and Rowena.
"Answer it, Clary." Luke said. Clary hesitantly clicked the green call button and Simon appeared on the screen – tied up with duct tape over his mouth.
"No." Clary muttered under her breath.
In the corner of the screen, Valentine appeared with a psychotic smirk plastered on his face, "Hello, Clarissa. I wish we were chatting under more civilized circumstances, but I'm afraid I've run out of options."
"Let Simon go." Clary demanded, a stern look on her face, however, Rowena knew she was having a hard time keeping it together.
"Absolutely. Just as soon as you come back to the Institute. I need you to activate the Sword for me." Valentine spoke calmly as if he hadn't murdered a bunch of people and took more hostage. He spoke as if he were making plans for Sunday tea with Clary, it made Rowena want to throw up and simultaneously punch him.
"That is never going to happen."
"Oh, but I think it will. Because if you don't show up within the hour... Your vampire boyfriend here is gonna die a death I wouldn't wish upon anyone." He said, pointing towards Simon who was freaking out. Clary's face went white as a sheet of paper as Valentine hung up the phone.
"You know, in all my years, I've never met anyone that I've hated more than him." Rowena said, arms crossed over her chest as she looked over at Jace and Clary, "No offence."
"None taken." Jace replied as Clary made a beeline for the door. Luke put his arm out and stopped her before she could do anything irrational.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Clary ordered, waving her arms up. Rowena could practically see the steam coming from her ears, she was fuming and Rowena understood why.
"That's what Valentine wants. You know that if you touch that sword, you can destroy the entire Downworld, including Simon." Luke reasoned, trying to stop Clary's rampage.
Clary shook her head, "No, Valentine needs an energy source. He needs lightning."
"He's got it. Every Institute is powered by an angelic power core." Luke informed, causing Clary to look down at the ground, pursing her lips and closing her eyes – she was angry and upset but she didn't know what to do about it, making Rowena really feel for her.

FanfictionRowena sighed, "My father, after learning that my mother was a demon, fled to Heaven. I never met him. He abandoned me..." Rowena paused, pulling the arms of her black sweatshirt over her hands, a tear falling from her right eye that she quickly wip...