[34] reunions and endings

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"On the video call, Simon was in Aldertree's office. This way." Clary explained as Rowena and Magnus followed her. Clary moved a little faster down a hall but Magnus pulled her back.

"Careful, Clary. Circle members could be anywhere." He said. At that exact moment, the lights flickered. Clary looked down the hall and saw a familiar little warlock.

Clary let out a breath, tapping Magnus and Rowena, "It's Madzie." She said, before Madzie started walking away. "Go get her. We'll find Simon." Clary said to the two Downworlders.

"Are you sure?" Magnus asked.

"She's being used, Magnus. None of this is her fault, but she needs to be stopped."

"I'll meet you two in Aldertree's office." He said, "Be safe."

"Okay," Clary and Rowena said in unison. The two girls slowly made their way through the Institute but in one of the halls they came across three Circle members. They stood behind the wall, out of sight to create a game plan.

Rowena took in a breath, "You go find Simon and I'll take care of these guys, okay? Buy you some time." She whispered to Clary.

"Roe, what about what happened out there, are you okay to be on your own against three guys?" Clary questioned, grabbing her arm. Her eyes had widened and she was shaking.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, okay, you go." Rowena said. Clary nodded and pulled Rowena in for a hug before letting her go and getting the Circle members attention. "Hey guys! Up for a little sparring action." She said, Clary ran behind her and down the hall before the guards launched at her.

Rowena created a small ball of glowing yellow light in her hands and threw it at one of the guards knocking him unconscious before punching another guy. One of the guys grabbed her from behind but she sprouted her wings which threw him back into the wall behind her. The guy she punched stood up but before they started fighting again, Rowena heard Clary yell. The red glow started to return and the anger started boiling up again.

Rowena ran at the guy and kicked his legs out from under him, punching him to knock him unconscious before taking off in the direction Clary yelled from – while desperately trying to keep the anger from boiling over.

She ran through the Institute, taking down a few guards in her way before making it into the Ops Centre where she saw Simon take down both Valentine and Clary then dagger his two guards. Simon grabbed Clary off the floor and Rowena joined the two.

"Clary, are you alright?" Simon asked, helping her to her feet, along with Rowena.

Clary nodded her head, quickly, "I'm fine. Let's go." She said, the three of them started to leave the room before Jace stormed in, his eyes locked on the Sword. "Jace, what... Jace, what are you doing?" Clary yelled. Jace dropped his seraph blade and held his hand towards the Sword.

"Jace!" Clary shouted, shaking her head as Simon held her back, "Don't. If you touch the Sword, it'll kill you. Jace, don't do it! No, Jace!"

Jace didn't listen instead he reached his hand towards the Sword and gripped it, triumphantly pulling it out of the power core. The Sword let out some lightning and it glowed spectacularly but it shocked Jace away from it, causing Jace to drop it and be thrown backwards.

"Why didn't that destroy the Sword?" Clary asked, looking at Jace who was in a bit of pain.

Simon shook his head, "I don't know."

"Jace, are you okay?" Clary called. However, while they were not looking, Valentine leapt up and ran towards the Sword.

"You're nothing if not predictable, son." He said. He grabbed the Sword, it lit up in his hand just as an army of Downworlders ran into the Institute. He raised the Sword and suddenly, everything around her had frozen.

"You can save them, my daughter." Rowena heard, however, no one else seemed to.

A tear fell down her cheek as she looked at the Downworlders who had started to fall down in pain, "How?" She screamed, "How do I save them?"

"Combine your powers, Rowena; you have the power to take the full force of the Sword." The voice said. A light appeared in front of her in the shape of a man, however, he didn't have any features.

"Will I die?" Rowena asked, staring at the light – her father, Raziel.

Raziel nodded his head, "It is a high possibility, my daughter."

"I'm scared." Rowena whimpered, tears falling from her cheeks.

"I know." Raziel said, the light started to fade and Rowena could make out his features. He had golden eyes and long golden hair, his skin was covered in runes and he had white wings – a lot larger than hers. "Be strong, my daughter."

Rowena nodded and her father faded to nothing, the world around her unfroze. Rowena leapt into action. She threw herself in front of Valentine and gripped the Sword. She created a large red and gold shield around her. Valentine looked down at her with anger in his eyes but all Rowena saw was red, her whole body was glowing red and gold. She kicked Valentine out of the shield as the Sword sent golden sparks through her body.

The pain was horrendous, it felt as if she was getting struck by lightning ten times over. The Sword glowed brighter and brighter, causing more and more sparks through Rowena's body as her wings sprouted and she hovered off the floor.

Rowena turned to look at her friends – who were all turned away – before the power in the shield exploded, sending a small wave of energy which knocked the Downworlders in the room unconscious. The Sword fell from Rowena's hands with a clang and her body dropped to the floor, the glow had faded and her eyes were shut.

"Oh, my God. Simon, you're okay." Clary smiled, hugging him.

"How? Every other Downworlder in here, they're... They're all... They're not dead, just unconscious." Simon said, looking around but his eyes landed on Rowena.

"Where's Valentine?" Jace asked.

"Gone." Clary replied.

"Clary..." Simon said, tapping her shoulder but she was too involved in conversation with Jace,

"I don't understand. How did I activate the Sword?" Jace asked, sitting up.

"Only someone with pure angel blood could have done it. You don't have demon blood, Jace." Clary realised.

"Guys!" Simon yelled, looking at Rowena, a tear running down his face. Clary and Jace followed his eye line and their eyes settled on Rowena, who wasn't moving.

Clary let out a shaky breath, "No, don't tell me... she's..." Clary ran towards Rowena's body, frantically feeling for a pulse, "No, no... no!" Clary yelled, hugging her body, after failing to feel her pulse. "She can't be... no..." Simon and Jace both dropped to their knees beside her. Clary fell into Simon's side while Jace sat silently.

Alec ran into the room, seeing all the Downworlders, "No." He whispered to himself.

"They're not dead, Rowena made sure of that." Jace croaked out, a few tears falling down his cheeks. Alec then looked down towards Jace, Simon and Clary. His face whitened as he saw her dead body.

I'm so proud of you, my daughter.

A/N: Last Chapter!!!! Hope you enjoyed this story, they'll be an epilogue up soon but this is pretty much the end! I was weeping while writing this so I hope you like it! Stay safe, sane and healthy!

Luv u guys xxxxxxxxxxxx

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