[28] red-haired cats and party crashers

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Two seconds. That's how long silence lasted once Magnus had disappeared back into the party. Everyone started arguing with each other and every time Rowena tried to intervene and calm them down she got yelled at too so she had taken to sitting on one of Magnus' garden chairs with her head in her hands waiting for Magnus to come back.

Thankfully, a few minutes later Magnus came back onto the roof with a spell book, uttered an incantation and the arguing ceased. "Thank God." Rowena huffed, standing up from the chair and patting Magnus on the back, "Thank you." Magnus smiled back at his friend.

"Mom..." Jace whispered, looking over at Maryse – whose eyes were cloudy with tears.

"Jace." Maryse replied.

Simon looked around at everyone, "Um, what's going on?" He asked.

"You okay?" Jace asked Maryse.

Clary put her hands up, "Simon... I am so sorry." She started.

"I'm fine." Maryse replied to Jace, both of them joining Izzy in leaning down to see how Alec was doing.

"I know you didn't kiss Maia." Clary finished, putting her hands on Simon's shoulders.

Simon's eyes widened, "You thought I kissed Maia?" He asked, in shock before turning to Magnus, "What happened here?"

"It seems a warlock has been having a little fun at our expense." He replied.

"Is he okay?" Maryse mumbled before Alec's eyes shot open.

"What happened?" Simon repeated.

Clary looked down, causing Rowena and Simon to do the same, "Alec..."

Magnus scanned the page of his spell book before closing it. However, as soon as it closed it disappeared. Magnus' eyes went wide, "Someone has taken my spell book." He cried, putting his wards up quickly.

"You're putting your wards up?" Clary questioned.

"Nobody leaves until I get it back."


After the wards went up, Magnus took it upon himself to scan everyone who left the party until there were only a few left. Currently, Magnus was scanning Raj, the last to leave.

"I was this close to lining up a three-way, and you guys let yourselves get spelled?" Raj complained. Rowena's scoffed to herself and rubbed her forehead. Similar reactions came from everyone else in the room and Alec obviously felt the same way Rowena did towards Raj because he shoved him out of the door the second Magnus finished scanning him.

"Is he the last one?" Jace asked.

"It appears I'm the only warlock here." Magnus stated, putting his wards down.

"Magnus, what happens if we don't find your spell book?" Clary asked.

Magnus pointed at her, "That's not an option you wanna explore. That book can undo every spell I've ever cast. From the elementary to the complex. In new and old languages..." He snapped, trailing off towards the end. "Champenois. It's an old French dialect." Magnus said before muttering something in French, "The red-haired cat."

Once Magnus had said this, he quickly put his wards back up and left the main room, wandering into one of his other rooms which contained a large bed with a red duvet set.

"Magnus, what cat?" Alec asked but Magnus gestured at him to be silent. He continued to look around until he spotted something; a small lump under the duvet of the bed. Magnus looked up at Jace to stood opposite him on the other side of the bed. Jace pulled the duvet back revealing a red and white cat which jumped from the bed and tried to escape the room before Magnus caught it, blasting it with magic.

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