[29] ancestry and blood oaths

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Rowena sat on the couch in Magnus' apartment, listening to everyone explain why Clary could use the Soul-Sword and what to do about it. Rowena's face had turned as white as a sheet of paper and her hands were shaking. She didn't realise that that name had such an effect on her. Rowena got up and went outside to sit on the terrace, alone with her thoughts. Magnus had noticed this movement and followed her.

"What's wrong, Sunshine?" He asked, standing next to Rowena as she looked out over the city. "You look like you're going to be sick. If you are, please, not on the carpet."

Rowena took a deep breath, "There's something that I haven't told you. That I haven't told anyone." Her voice barely above a whisper.

"What is it?" Magnus asked, placing his hand on Rowena's shoulder hoping to provide a small amount of comfort.

"Raziel... Raziel is my father."


"What?" Clary asked, after Rowena had come back into the room and admitted her ancestry to the group, "The creator of Shadowhunters is your father? The angel that I share a blood connection with?"

Rowena nodded, "Yes."

"I thought he abandoned you? How do you know who he is?" Clary asked, everyone else in the room shared Clary's shocked expression. The creator of Shadowhunters had a daughter with a demon.

"He appeared to me once. Just to tell me what happened to my mother. The angels... they don't accept as one of them. My father is ashamed of me. That's why I have never told anyone, but you have a blood connection to him. I thought you should know. And if you guys were going to keep saying his name, I didn't think I could hold my emotions in anymore." Rowena explained, sitting down on the couch once again.

"Can he help us?" Alec asked.

Rowena shrugged, looking down at the ground and pulling at her sleeve, "I don't know. I've prayed to him a few times when I've needed help and somehow I've always come out of it but I don't know if it was him or not. But I can't make direct communication with him. I can't summon him or anything."

"Can you try?" Clary asked, sitting down next to Rowena and placing her hand on her shoulder. "If you can get to him, he can stop Valentine from activating the Soul-Sword."

"If he's even on our side." Jace retorted, "You heard what Rowena said, he's ashamed of her because she has demon blood in her. Maybe he'll agree with Valentine." Jace's comment hit to close to home for Rowena. She had said it herself but hearing it from someone else made the feeling so much worse. So much so that it made a tear fall from her eye.

Seeing this, Magnus came to Rowena's aid, "Maybe we should just drop this whole Soul-Sword ordeal for tonight and all go home for some rest. After all, it's been an eventful night."


After everything that had happened during and after the party, Rowena had flown home and gotten some well-needed rest. She had spent the next day or so in bed, lounging around her apartment and eating everything in sight. She was too embarrassed to talk to any of her friends. That is, until Magnus had called her with an emergency.

"What's wrong?" Rowena said, retracting her wings after landing on Magnus' balcony. She saw Clary's hand had started turning black and Magnus using his magic to try and null the pain.

"It's an old blood oath spell." Magnus explained, as Alec paced the room.

"Then it must be Iris." Alec piped up, "She said you owed her a favour." He said, looking down at Clary.

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