[30] hot chocolates and ultimatums

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Once Rowena sensed that they were close to Madzie, Simon pulled the van over getting out along with Jace and Rowena.

"Stay here. We'll be right back." Jace said to Clary, who was sat in the back of the van with a disheartened look on her face.

Rowena held the scarf in her hands, "We're close. Very close."

"This still feels way too easy." Jace commented, looking around the docks for any suspicious activity. Rowena looked back in the van, she could tell that Clary was scared even though she acted like she wasn't.

"And yet we've encountered no traps. Although if we did... All that stuff you said about Clary... You were just talking, right? You wouldn't actually kill your own sister, would you?" Simon asked Jace.

"No." Jace replied, leaning in towards Simon and Rowena so that Clary wouldn't hear.

Rowena jerked back, "Yes. If by some slim chance we can't save her, we need to respect her wishes. So we are going to work our asses off so that it doesn't come to that."

Simon nodded along, hesitantly, "Okay."

"That's why I need to do this next part on my own." Jace said.

"What do you mean?" Simon asked.

"Clary's too weak to move, Simon. She'd only be putting herself in danger of getting captured. I'll use the scarf to track Madzie, I'll bring her back here. But I need you guys protecting Clary while I'm gone." Jace explained.

Rowena shook her head, "Your Shadowhunter tracking isn't strong enough, I'll have to come with you."

"I can't do that. What am I gonna do? Protect her with my teeth? We need both of you here."

Jace thought about Simon's proposition, "Okay. All right, I'll stay."

"I guess I'm going it alone. I'll see you guys on the flip side. I'll bring her back safe, scouts honour." Rowena said, recasting the tracking spell on the scarf and running away from the group.

She ran for a while before she came across a café, and saw Valentine and Madzie in the window. Rowena stopped for a second, out of Valentine's sight and thought about what she would do once she got inside – she couldn't cause a huge scene or use any of her powers. Suddenly, Rowena was jerked out of her thoughts by Jace who ran up beside her.

"Did you find Madzie, yet?" He asked.

Rowena huffed, "Yes, but aren't you supposed to be staying with Simon and Clary to protect her! Why are you following me?"

"This is my fight." Jace replied, in his usual stubborn tone, "And if you've found Madzie what are you doing just sitting here."

"They're in that café, I'm figuring out what to do." Rowena explained.

"Here's an idea." Jace started, before bolting towards the café before Rowena could stop him. She tried to call him back but he was already at the door. Rowena hurried to follow him and stepped inside the café – coming face to face with Valentine.

"How fatherly." Jace said, seeing Valentine and Madzie drinking hot chocolates. Jace sat down next to Madzie, so Rowena followed his lead, grabbing a nearby stool and sitting on the edge of the table. "I didn't know you had it in you."

Valentine put his hand on the hilt of his sword but noticed the two watching him, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Rowena said, a ball of golden light shining in her right hand, that was covered by her shoulder so that only Valentine could see it.

He released his hand from the sword and turned to face Jace, a menacing smile on his face, "Ah, Jonathan. I figured you'd come for young Madzie sooner or later. Although, it's a shame you didn't bring your sister along."

"Let the girl go." Jace commanded, his voice only barely above a whisper.

"I'm afraid young Madzie is quite happy where she is." Valentine defended, leaning forward in his seat to appear more threatening.

Jace scoffed, "Oh, I think Iris would disagree. She made Clary take a blood oath. If I don't get Madzie to her in the next few hours, Clary dies."

Valentine's smile faded at those words, "I suppose you're here to save her life?"

"I'm here to give you an ultimatum. We'll let Clary die if we have to, but you need her alive." Jace said, gesturing between himself and Rowena. Rowena knew that all of this was just an act to get Valentine to give up Madzie so she went along with it.

"You're bluffing. You couldn't kill your falcon when you were a boy, and you can't kill your sister now."

"We have demon blood. If you destroy the Downworld, we go with it. We're just trying to save ourselves. It's your choice, but I'm not gonna ask you again. Either Madzie comes with us, or your angel dies."


Rowena and Jace ran towards the van, "Clary!" Jace yelled, seeing Simon and Clary sat on the top of the van. Simon yelled back in response and helped Clary off the van and towards Rowena and Jace who were holding Madzie's hands.

"Madzie. Madzie, you're okay." Clary smiled, kneeling down to hug her. Madzie put her hands on Clary's shoulders healing her skin. The blackened flesh was replaced with Clary's normal skin tone as the two were enveloped in a circle of red magic. Clary smiled at her hand, which she held up.

Jace, Simon and Rowena stood smiling at Clary, who was delighted, "I told you, didn't I? I couldn't have saved her without you." Jace said to Simon.

"Obviously. Thank you for... you know, everything." He replied.

Jace nodded and turned to Rowena, "Thank you, Roe. Your tracking was what got us to Madzie."

"It was no problem. I was just happy to help save my friend." She replied.

The moment of happiness and bliss only continued for a few minutes as Madzie created a portal. A funnel of air whirled around, making stray newspaper pages fly away.

"Madzie, what are you doing?" Clary yelled. Madzie started to push the portal forward so Rowena used her magic to latch onto it pulling it back and trying to close it. Madzie stared at Rowena, a glare in her young eyes as she and Rowena went back and forth with the portal, before Madzie sent a spell at Rowena, who flew backwards into the windscreen of the car.

"No!" Jace yelled, along with Simon who shouted, "Clary!" But it was too late, the portal enveloped both Madzie and Clary and before the two boys could stop it, they were both gone.

A/N: Hope you enjoy and are staying safe, sane and healthy! 

Luv u xxxxxxx

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