"So, your powers are out of control, the book you were given by your warlock friend doesn't explain it and every time you get worked up you almost kill someone?" Raphael summarised. Rowena nodded, looking down at her feet and picking at a loose thread on her jumper. The two were currently sat on a bench in the middle of New York at 2am, talking about the crazy goings on in their lives.
Rowena sighed, putting her head in her hands, "When did everything get so messed up? I was fine before I met Clary and everyone else. I was just your average four-thousand year old immortal being." She said, to Raphael she sounded completely serious up until the last sentence.
"Maybe, it's Clary. My life seemed to get messed up around when she turned up with Simon too. She could be why everything in the shadow world is up in the air." Raphael complained.
Rowena sat up straight and took a deep breath, "It's not Clary, its Valentine and Jocelyn and everything that happened with them around Clary's birth." She clarified. "Thanks for the chat, Raph. I hope you sort out all of the Camille stuff. If you need a hand, or a wing, call me, okay?" She said, standing up from the bench.
Raphael stood up too and agreed to Rowena's offer. They shared a short hug before Raphael ran in the direction of the DuMort and Rowena flew in the direction of Magnus' apartment. She landed on Magnus' balcony smoothly and retracted her wings, opening the door.
"So, please, can you take a break from your day job and help a vamp out?" Rowena heard Simon say as she stepped through into Magnus' living room.
"What does he need help with?" She asked Magnus, who sat on his couch with potion stuff littered in front of him.
Magnus sighed, a disgusted look made its way onto his face, "He wants to find Camille."
Rowena turned to Simon, "Ugh, why?" She asked, "Did Raphael ask you?"
"He says that if I don't find her, I'm dead." He responded.
Magnus sighed again and stood up, "Lucky for you, this potion will take a few hours to stew. So I'll help but, it'll cost you."
Simon's face contorted in confusion, "Okay." Magnus walked past Simon, yanking out a few of his hairs as he passed and putting them into a jar. "Hey!" Simon yelled while Rowena stifled a laugh.
"I've been running low." He explained.
A few minutes later, Magnus, Simon and Rowena were standing on a rooftop in India.
"Portaling is not my thing. Is there, like, a YouTube tutorial I can watch?" Simon asked, as he hunched over looking like he was about to throw up.
Magnus chuckled, "Practice makes perfect." He responded.
"Yeah, give it a few years, I promise it gets easier." Rowena comforted sarcastically.
Simon took a few moments to look around and spotted a gorgeous temple, "Wait, are we in India?"
"Welcome to Agra." Magnus said, before leading the other two down some stairs to Camille's apartment. Rowena looked around in awe of some of Camille's things. She had been to many places and seen many things but she'd never been to India before.
"Wait, Camille lives in India?" Simon asked as they came to Camille's apartment.
Magnus nodded, marvelling at some of the different bits and pieces, "Camille lives wherever she wants. Homes all over the globe. She's always liked to spend the winters in Agra. She loves the smell of lotus blossoms."
"Who doesn't?" Simon responded. The three moved through a dangling curtain of beads and found themselves in one of her rooms.
Magnus went over to a beautiful blue and white marble vase, "Hmm. I recognize that. Ming dynasty." He said, picking it up, "Of course I recognize it. It's mine." Rowena chuckled as she looked through some of Camille's things.
"Well, unless she's in that vase, she's not here. So, come on. You said there are, like, 62 other rooms we have to search." Simon said as he picked up a sword that was previously hanging from a wall.
Magnus waved his hand at Simon, "You go on. I have a few things Camille never returned after one of our many breakups. I wanna find them."
"So, you're not gonna help me find her?" Simon asked, pointing the sword at Magnus, accidently.
"I portaled you to India. The rest of your sire squabble is all on you. Now go. And find me when you're ready to leave. Preferably after you dealt with Camille."
Simon waved the sword around like an idiot as he complained, "Right, because why would you need a powerful warlock when you got a scrappy nerd from Brooklyn?"
Magnus sighed, the blue and white vase laying in his arms as he moved towards Simon, "What are you so afraid of?" He asked.
"Where do I start? Elevators. Snakes. Clowns. Raphael trying to burn my junk off-"
"You're a vampire, Simon." Magnus cut him off, "You're tougher than you think. Honestly, it's time to man up." He said as he took the sword from Simon and vanished into another room.
Rowena laughed, "You're scared of Raphael?" She asked, from the other side of the room. She had her hands in her jacket pockets and a goofy grin on her face as she watched Simon feeling sorry for himself.
"He is terrifying." Simon said in all seriousness.
Rowena chuckled, "Yeah as scary as a new-born puppy." Simon just rolled his eyes, "Oh, come on, Simon. I'll help you find the Wicked Bitch of West."
Rowena and Simon walked through the apartment together for a while before they decided to split up and call for help if they needed. Rowena walked into a room and found Magnus.
"Hey Mag." She said, as she looked through a box full of very expensive jewellery.
Magnus had a jagged dagger in his hands when he looked over at his friend, "Hello, Sunshine. I thought you were with scaredy vamp?" He asked.
"We split up, to cover more ground." She replied before she heard something faint, she perked up and looked in the direction of the noise, "You hear that?"
"Hear what?" Magnus asked. Before Rowena could answer they both heard a very loud shout of both of their names from Simon. "I heard that." Magnus said, creating a portal. The two stepped through and saw Simon standing over a snake. "There you are, and there it is! My baby." He smiled at the snake.
"Your baby?" Simon questioned.
Magnus looked over to Simon, still smiling, "I created it for Camille ages ago. The best gift I ever gave."
"Great. Well, then, maybe don't include me on your Christmas list." Simon responded, sarcasm lacing his words.
"He didn't scare you, did he?"
"No, of course not. I encantoed him. No big." Simon replied. Magnus gave Simon an impressed look and so did Rowena.
Luv u xxxxxx

FanfictionRowena sighed, "My father, after learning that my mother was a demon, fled to Heaven. I never met him. He abandoned me..." Rowena paused, pulling the arms of her black sweatshirt over her hands, a tear falling from her right eye that she quickly wip...