Rowena patted her hands on her dress, trying to dust off the dirt that had been splattered on there. She sighed in frustration when she realised that the dirt would never come off. She'd just have to go home and get it washed. Rowena walked through the streets, making her way home when she heard a noise, which sounded like crying. She closed her eyes to focus where the sound was coming from and followed it, leading her down a dark alleyway.
"Hello." She cried, "Is anyone there?" She looked around and saw a young woman in a long red dress wiping away tears, "Oh my goodness gracious, are you alright?" She asked, moving closer to the woman.
The woman backed away from her, "Don't come any closer! I-I can't stop myself!" She cried, leaning against a wall and sinking down to her knees.
"It's okay." Rowena said a soft tone to her voice.
The woman moved her long black hair behind her ears and looked up at Rowena. She was around Rowena's physical age, in her early twenties maybe. She had beautiful long black hair and dark eyes. She was quite short but wore high heels to make herself look taller and she wore a burgundy red dress. "I'm a monster!" She yelled. Rowena caught a glimpse into the woman's mouth and saw fangs.
"You're a vampire." Rowena thought out loud.
The woman's face contorted into more terror than Rowena thought was possible, "Are you going to kill me, or get somebody else too. I know I've hurt people but I didn't mean to. I-I swear!"
"No, I'm not going to hurt you, I can help." She said, "I'm different too." She said, flashing her orange eyes at the woman, who seemed to relax a bit more after that. "I'm Rowena, Rowena Cohen." She said, extending a hand to the woman. "I know a few vampires who are heads of their clans who can help you. Can you tell me your name?"
The woman took her hand and spoke, "I'm Camille. Camille Belcourt."
Rowena sat on the balcony thinking to herself about her first meeting with Camille, not even acknowledging the conversations going on inside the apartment until she heard footsteps. She turned herself around, standing up as she did so and saw Camille kissing Magnus, while Alec and Izzy stood by the door.
"Well this is awkward." Rowena said, leaning against the balcony door and cutting the obvious tension in the room with a huge kitchen knife. Magnus pushed Camille off of him and looked towards Alec.
Alec's face contorted and he looked away from Magnus, he looked heartbroken making Rowena feel sorry for the guy she barely knew, "Where's the book?"
"It's complicated." Magnus started, moving closer to Alec.
"Clearly." Alec said, sarcastically, looking in between the two Downworlders.
Camille turned her attention away from Magnus and looked towards Alec, "I have it."
Magnus stuttered out a response, trying to rectify what had just happened, "And she's graciously offered it in exchange for her freedom."
"And her freedom requires a lip-lock?" Izzy said, anger rising in her voice as she defended her brother. Magnus took a second to think about what to say but Alec got there first.
Alec walked closer to Camille in a threatening way, "We don't negotiate with prisoners." He said to her, his sister following close behind, keeping her glare on Magnus for the time being. Rowena watched from her stance at the balcony door, waiting to step in if she had to.
"Prisoner? I beg to disagree. You see, I'm your only chance at saving the world. You need me." Camille said, the grin still placed on her face as Magnus moved his finger around to signal Camille's lack of sanity, causing Alec to roll his eyes at him. Camille looked Alec up and down, "You certainly have a type, don't you, Magnus? He's cute. Too bad it won't last."

FanfictionRowena sighed, "My father, after learning that my mother was a demon, fled to Heaven. I never met him. He abandoned me..." Rowena paused, pulling the arms of her black sweatshirt over her hands, a tear falling from her right eye that she quickly wip...