[12] glowing eyes and mischievous grins

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Raphael sighed, turning to Rowena, "Did you really think this stall tactic was going to work?"

"No." She admitted, truthfully. She looked down at the ground, gritting her teeth and taking a deep breath in, "But I thought this would." She said, her wings sprouting out of her back as she leapt forward, pushing Raphael backwards towards the wall. She lifted him all the way up to the ceiling. "If I drop you right now, it'll really hurt." Rowena joked.

Raphael grunted under Rowena's grip. "Then you really shouldn't drop me."

"Listen to yourself, Raph." Rowena said. "No more jokes, the entire Downworld is at risk. We need Camille. We can keep her under control." She commanded. As Rowena was distracted in trying to convince Raphael to help them, Raphael was able to grab the dagger in Rowena's belt and stab her in the leg, forcing her to drop him on the floor.

Rowena screamed in pain, "Really, Raph? You stabbed me?" She yelled as he used his vamp speed to run away from the basement. Rowena pulled the dagger out of her leg and retracted her wings. "Dammit." She cursed, pulling herself up to her feet and running – well hobbling – up the stairs to join Clary, Izzy and Simon.

As Rowena got to the top of the stairs, she was met with two very unfriendly vampires who ran towards her. She easily got the upper hand, breaking the first one's neck and then using an old knife to stab the other, sending them both down. Rowena's pace quickened as her healing kicked in and the pain in her leg started to disappear. She found a door and ran out of it into the sunlight, where no vampires could follow her and then used her heightened senses to find where the group was congregated. She found the room and broke a large hole in the wall.

Rowena walked through the hole, seeing the vampires on the other side of the light, "Sorry I was late, got held up." She said, directing the end of her sarcastic sentence towards Raphael. "Adios." Simon and Clary then led the group under the DuMort and through the tunnels to get Camille out.

"I think I'd have been better off just staying in the coffin." Camille said.

Clary let out an annoyed sigh, "But you didn't. We got you out."

"Technically, I got you out." Rowena added.

"Noted." Clary replied, "Now, tell us where the book is." She said to Camille.

Camille let out a witch-like laugh, "Patience, my dear–"

Clary stopped suddenly, turning to Camille with an angry and frustrated look on her features, "Enough! Just because we got you out doesn't mean I won't kill you right here."

"There's still one more thing I require of, um..." She paused, waving her hand and looking towards Simon.


Camille smiled, "A Writ of Transmutation."

Simon and Clary looked between one another and then back at Camille, "What the hell is that?" Simon asked.

"A document stating you asked her to turn you into a vampire." Izzy answered, causing Clary to get a lot angrier. Rowena felt the same, after all she had hated Camille for centuries and now after killing one of her friends she wanted his consent? It made her sick to her stomach.

Camille let out another chuckle, "Signed and sealed in your blood, of course."

"Haven't you had enough of my blood?" Simon asked with frustration and sarcasm in his voice.

"Never." She answered, putting on a fake pout, "And I definitely don't want the Clave to falsely accuse me of killing mundanes."

Clary's anger rose as she took a step towards Camille, "You want Simon to pardon you? No way." She moved even closer to Camille with her seraph blade in front of her, "You killed Simon. The least we could do is return the favour."

"And yet, the second I go up in smoke, so does any hope of you finding your precious book." Camille said, with a smirk as Simon moved Clary away.

Clary turned to Simon as soon as his hand was on her shoulder, "It's okay." He said.

"So where do we get this document, huh? I can't imagine you have many friends left." Clary asked.

Camille moved to walk in front, "I know a guy." She said, but before she could take her first two steps, Rowena grabbed her arm.

"Look, Camille. We've known each other for centuries and I know what a dirty snake you are so if you try anything..." She started, her eyes turning their normal orange but as she went on they got redder. "And I mean anything, I will kill you."

Camille put on her normal smirk, even though Rowena one was of the only people she was afraid of, "You couldn't even come close," She said, trying to push Rowena off but she wouldn't budge.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of." Rowena threatened, pushing Camille – who had a look of pure fear on her face – in front of her to lead the way, while the other three looked extremely shocked by Rowena's outburst.

Rowena's anger started to fade and she realised how angry she had become.


Rowena followed behind the group that consisted of; Camille, Izzy, Clary, Simon and Magnus, as they entered Magnus' apartment. She wondered how she'd managed to get so angry at Camille down in the tunnels. She'd been thinking about this since it happened and she hadn't been able to shake the thought.

"So, Magnus, how long has it been? One hundred? One hundred fifty years?" Camille asked as she strutted her way into the apartment, looking around at all of Magnus' belongings but not turning to face the warlock even once.

Magnus scratched the back of his head in frustration. Rowena could tell that he was uncomfortable around Camille, she had known what she'd done to him and she hated her for it. "One hundred and thirty-eight. Oddly, I haven't missed you."

Camille formed her mouth into a mischievous grin before slowly turning around to face Magnus, "Of course you have, my love."

Rowena could sense the tension between the two and she guessed Simon and Clary did too, "All right, you two can catch up later. Right now, we need to find the Book of the White." Clary interrupted.

"And you will, but not without payment." Camille demanded, turning her head to face Clary and then turning back towards Magnus, "You of all people should understand that."

Magnus forced a fake smile onto his lips, "Of course. And what is it you require?"

"A clean slate."

Rowena, Simon and Clary looked between the two, interjecting themselves into the conversation, "She wants a Writ of Turning-Me-Into-A-Vampire." Simon said.

"And we need you to draft it." Clary mentioned, neither Magnus nor Camille turning their eyes away from each other.

"Hmm. I thought I was done with you." Magnus said, frustration evident in his tone.

Camille, still sporting her mischievous grin, sighed, "We'll never be done with each other." She said, chuckling to herself.

Isabelle, who had been viewing the conversation for the last few minutes, nudged Clary's arm, "I'm gonna call for backup." She said, turning to walk out of the room.

"Simon, can I talk to you for a minute?" Clary asked, leading Simon out of the room.

Rowena looked between Magnus and Camille before moving out onto the balcony and plopping herself down in one of the chairs. She thought to herself, after having time to ponder, about how she was able to get so angry. Of course, she'd been angry before, but her eyes had only ever glowed orange, never red. She thought about her parents, maybe she had a choice between angel and demon. Maybe it was about time for her to make that choice.

A/N: Hope you enjoy! I hope you all had a great Christmas and a wonderful new year! Happy 2020!

Luv u xxxx

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