[33] explosions and attack plans

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Rowena landed, swiftly and silently across the street from the Institute. She saw Valentine's circle members stood at the doors and walking around the building. To help the group, Rowena had flown on ahead to try and whittle down Valentine's forces so Luke and Jace could get into the Institute easier, however, she wasn't expecting the amount of guards she saw.

Her heart beat quickened, she had been up against this many men before but they weren't trained shadowhunters. Rowena closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to attack. Unfortunately, she didn't get much time.

"Look, over there!" One of the guards shouted as they saw Rowena with her wings out. Rowena's eyes snapped open and she saw a swarm of a dozen or so guards headed her way, blades and bows in hand.

She knew she couldn't use her demon powers – she couldn't let them get out of control and take over – her eyes glowed yellow as she stood up from her spot. She took a deep breath before walking towards the guards. Her pace quickened until she was running. A throbbing started in her ears and her stomach dropped as she leaped off the ground, her wings widening as she came back down, landing a punch on one of the guards who dropped to the floor.

Another guard swung their blade at her, she ducked and elbowed him in the face before kicking his legs out from under him and picking up his blade. A woman ran towards her, their blades clashed together as another guard threw a knife at Rowena's back. She felt the cold metal push through her skin as she let out a groan. She stabbed the woman with the blade and created a ball of light in her hand, sending it at a group of four guards, knocking them all down.

Finally, after a few more minutes of fighting, the guards were all laying on the floor unconscious. Rowena had taken all their weapons and hid them in some bushes so when they woke up they wouldn't find them. She took another deep breath and wiped her mouth with her hand, acknowledging the small amount of blood.

As Rowena stood, breathing heavily and planning her next move, she saw Magnus and Clary come through a portal. "You're not supposed to be here." She said to Clary, gently holding her arm, "It's way too dangerous."

"He cut Simon's throat. I'm not leaving until he's safe." Clary retorted. Rowena looked between her and Magnus, who nodded his head slightly.

Rowena nodded her head, "Then let's go kick your dad's ass."

They were about to walk towards the Institute when some vampires grabbed Magnus and Rowena. Raphael stood in front of Clary, blocking her exit. Magnus struggled against the vampires, "Let go of my hands!" He yelled.

"So you can use your magic against us? I'm sorry, Magnus. None of us wanted it to come to this." Raphael defended.

"Raph, don't." Rowena threatened, a stern look in her eyes as she started to see red. After trying to keep her anger inside while fighting Valentine's guards then hearing about Simon, this was the last straw.

"No. I'm here to save Simon. I'm not going to touch the Sword." Clary cried.

Raphael shook his head, "No, you're not." He said, moving closer to Clary and grabbing her wrists to stop her from getting away. Rowena clenched her eyes shut, the anger inside rising. She knew she had to keep it inside – it could hurt her, kill her or worse, hurt her friends.

"Stop this! Stop it, now!" Magnus shouted at Raphael, a deadly look in his eyes. Rowena struggled against herself, she felt it getting stronger – the power – and unbeknownst to her, her hands had started glowing a flaming red.

"If I don't do it, more Downworlders are on their way to do it for me. You're too close to her, Magnus." Raphael defended.

"Raphael, you don't have to do this." Clary begged, a tear running from her eyes as she squirmed in his grip. Rowena's anger was at breaking point. She could feel it wanting to explode out of her. She could hear the voice of her mother whispering, Let go, just let go.

Raphael leaned towards Clary, "It'll be quick and painless." He said, opening his mouth, his fangs extending but before he could make contact with her neck, Rowena's eyes snapped open, they glowed a fiery red the same as her hands and a large amount of flaming energy exploded from her body, knocking everyone to the ground.

Jace, Maia and Luke, who had finally gotten to the Institute were thrown backwards but quickly got up and grabbed the vampires before they could get away. Magnus and Clary stumbled up and Rowena dropped to her knees, the red glow fading from her eyes and hands. Her head was pounding and her heart felt like it had dropped to her stomach. Magnus and Clary immediately crouched down next to her.

"Are you okay, Sunshine?" Magnus asked, Rowena slowly nodded her head, letting out a shaky breath. She held out her hands to Magnus and Clary who helped her stand up.

"I'm fine but we need to get in there and help Alec and Simon." She said, her head starting to stop pounding.

Their conversation was interrupted when Luke decided to speak up and try to get the vampires on side, "Listen up!" He yelled.

"Clary may be able to activate the Sword, but I can destroy it. The Angel Ithuriel confirmed that in a vision." Jace explained to Raphael, holding his blade against Raphael's chest.

"Angel? Impossible." Raphael retorted.

Clary stepped forward, I saw it, too. He's telling the truth."

"You kill Clary, Valentine still has the damn Sword. Over time, no doubt, he'll find a way to activate it. Now is our chance to destroy that Sword for good. Why not let Jace try?" Luke asked.

"Why would a Shadowhunter risk his life for us?" Maia questioned, if looks could kill, she would have buried Jace by this point.

"Because you and Raphael are gonna tell your Downworld buddies not to lay a hand on Clary. That's the deal." Jace bargained.

Raphael scoffed, "And they'll listen to me?"

Jace withdrew his blade from Raphael's chest and stepped forward to threaten him, "Maybe. You're the leader of the most powerful vampire clan in all of New York. They respect you."

Raphael looked back at Maia, who gave him a knowing look, "What exactly is your plan?"

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter is the last one! Nooooo! And they'll be an epilogue as well. It might be up sooner than next Saturday but idk. Anyway, thank you for all your support and hope that you're safe, sane and healthy!

Luv u guys xxxxxxxxxx

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