[21] parabatai vows and unopened boxes

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Once Magnus had portaled himself, Rowena and Alec to his apartment, he asked for a moment alone with Alec so Rowena went to sit on the balcony for a few minutes waiting for Jace to come. Izzy and Clary both showed up, one after the other but Jace was nowhere to be seen. Rowena knew that the Institute would find them eventually so she was prepared to fight them off in order to save her newfound friends.

"He can't last much longer," Magnus whispered to Izzy. Rowena heard these words and felt her eyes welling up. Magnus was one of her oldest and dearest friends, she knew that if Alec died it would break him and she'd have to pick up the pieces.

"Alec." Rowena heard, she turned to see Jace, covered in blood and his shirt ripped in places. She came into the apartment and watched as Magnus handed Jace a stone of some kind. Jace went to sit by Alec and held the rock in between their hands. A yellow glow, almost sun-like, appeared from their hands and Jace started reciting what Rowena knew as the parabatai vows.

As Jace kept speaking, Alec's body jolted and caused the stone to fall from their hands. "What's happening?" Izzy asked.

"He's slipping." Magnus said, tears welling up in his eyes.

Clary shook her head, "No." She cried, tears threatening to fall from her eyes too.

Rowena moved to stand next to Magnus, he immediately took her hand in his and she gave a comforting squeeze as the group watched in anticipation. Alec started wheezing and Jace kept reciting the vows as he held Alec's head in his hands, tears spilling from his reddened eyes. Alec took a breath before his head slowly rolled to the side and his breathing stopped entirely. Jace pulled Alec's body to his chest and hugged him tightly.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Izzy asked, tears falling from her eyes, "Rowena?" She questioned hopefully.

Rowena shook her head sadly, "I'm sorry, Izzy. It's parabatai magic." She said, pulling Izzy into a hug. Magnus and Clary stood with tears in their eyes as they watched Jace embrace Alec's body.

"And more also... if aught but death part thee and me. Please don't leave me, Alec." Jace whispered to Alec. Rowena closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer to her father. She had never tried this before but she thought it was worth a try.

The room became silent; Jace's breathing the only sound.

"If aught but death part thee and me." A weak voice from Alec's mouth said. Clary looked up, clutching Magnus' arm and Izzy's hands went to her mouth. Rowena smiled at the scene in front of her and silently thanked her father, even if it wasn't his doing. Jace and Alec pulled apart then embraced each other in another hug. The group moved forward to have their hugs from Alec before they were interrupted.

"Jace Wayland! You are hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason and aiding Valentine in a war against the Clave." Aldertree said, as he and some Shadowhunters came through the door of Magnus' apartment. Rowena moved forward to block Aldertree from him but Jace gave her a look to ask her not too, so she stepped back.

"Wait what... What the hell is going on?" Alec asked, trying to move off the chair he was laying on.

Jace turned to look at his parabatai, "It's all right, Alec. All that matters is you're back." He said, before two shadowhunters grabbed him and took him away, leaving the rest of the group shocked.


After the events of the night before, everyone involved needed to be questioned by Aldertree. Rowena agreed, if only to tear into Aldertree about being a giant piece of shit.

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