[20] wounds and stupid decisions

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Rowena followed the two Shadowhunters through the halls as they swiftly walked towards Alec's bedroom. Rowena wasn't exactly clear on what had happened but she had gotten that Jace was missing and Alec wasn't doing well.

"Has he been in there with Alec the whole time?" Clary questioned. Isabelle stood next to the red head as they looked into Alec's bedroom; Rowena was stood behind the two and due to her small stature couldn't see what was going on. She gently moved Clary out of the way to see Magnus using his magic to try and make an unconscious Alec, not unconscious.

Isabelle turned her head towards Clary, her eyes still locked on her brother, "He's the only reason Alec still has a chance. But his magic can't last forever. Sooner or later, he's gonna burn out."

"Is there anything I can do?" Rowena asked, gaining Magnus' attention.

Magnus sighed happily, "Yes, could you try to relieve some of the pain while I continue working on this potion?" He asked. Rowena nodded, coming to sit next to Magnus, she used her angel magic to take away some of Alec's pain and keep him stable. She looked over at her friend, Magnus looked exhausted, and she knew he would do anything for Alec. It made her happy that Magnus had found someone so perfect for him.

Suddenly, Izzy's phone rang; she answered it and moved away from the door, Clary following her. Rowena used her enhanced hearing to listen in to the conversation. She heard Jace's voice and instantly perked up. She listened to his, Izzy's and Clary's every word. Unfortunately, they walked further away and the conversation cut out after Clary told Jace about Alec.

"Hey, you okay?" Rowena asked, looking over at Magnus who had moved to the other side of the room. Magnus nodded, looking down at the potion he was making. "I don't believe that crappy nod. I've known you long enough to now when you're sad."

Magnus chuckled at Rowena's words. "I can't lose him." He said, putting the potion down and sitting next to Rowena. He leant his head on her shoulder as she continued to keep Alec stable.

"He's going to be okay." Rowena comforted, moving one of her hands around Magnus' shoulder. "He has the best warlock in the world on his side, so he has to be." Magnus smiled and moved back over to continue finishing the potion. He started sorting the other potions he had on him, when Izzy came into the room and sat on the bed, next to Alec. She explained the plan to the two Downworlders and Magnus started to collect his things.

"Best team, best team." Alec muttered in his sleep.

Magnus moved Rowena slightly so he could bend down next to Alec, "It's okay, Alec. You hear me? We're gonna get you out of here and bring you back."

As soon as Magnus spoke, the door was pushed open and Aldertree barged in, going straight to Izzy, who stood up, with Magnus by her side. Rowena, however, chose to stay seated on the floor, keeping Alec stable instead of talking to a man who she described in her head as arrogant, stupid and not worthy of respect. "You put in a request to transfer your brother to Idris?"

"My parents put in the request." Izzy said, standing her ground.

"Alec isn't leaving this institute. I'm sure his warlock friend can figure something out. Here." Aldertree argued.

Magnus scoffed, "This isn't waking Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. Runic power is deep. It requires magic that can't be accessed in the walls of this institute."

Aldertree didn't listen to Magnus – a stupid decision in Rowena's opinion – and continued, "I don't know what you're up to, and, ultimately, I don't care. But as far as I'm concerned, your brother is too weak to be Portaled."

Rowena decided now would be a good time to but in, "He's not." She replied, calmly while still using her magic to stabilise Alec.

"Excuse me," Aldertree addressed, looking down at the girl.

Rowena stood up, using one hand to continue helping Alec and the other to address Aldertree, and turned around. "I can keep him stable enough to Portal safely to Idris, to get him into the care of his parents who I'm sure are very worried about him. Given the right supplies, I may be able to find a way to cure him. I've been alive a long time, Sir, and I'm sure I could figure it out. In Idris." Rowena spoke in a calm but threatening manner, she was trying her best to make the man look stupid, although – in Rowena's opinion – he did that just by existing.

Aldertree frowned at Rowena and made a confused face, "If I'm correct, you are banned from this Institute." He stated.

"And if I'm correct, I could kill you with my pinkie finger in a tenth of a second and you wouldn't know until you were dead, dead, dead." Rowena threatened then sat down in her original position, leaving everyone shocked. Rowena took a deep breath, trying to control her demon side.

Aldertree sighed, "Leave this Institute, Rowena. Alec is staying and there's nothing you can do about it." He said. Rowena simply replied with a 'no' and carried on with her work.

"You're just using Alec as bait to arrest Jace." Izzy interrupted.

Aldertree turned his attention to her, "No, I'm working to capture the fugitive who put Alec in this position. I've allowed this warlock into the Institute for the sole purpose of treating your brother." He then turned to Magnus. "Although, you don't seem to be doing too good a job of it. I'm placing Raj by the door to stop Alec from leaving and if you, Rowena, do not want to leave you will stay confined to this room. Do not try this again." He said, leaving the room.

"I'm just under orders." Raj said to Izzy.

Izzy frowned at him, "Shut up, Raj."


Magnus and Rowena both worked on keeping Alec stable but he was getting worse by the minute. "No. It's too late. I..." Alec muttered.

"Alec?" Magnus said, stopping his magic, causing Rowena to stop as well. Alec said nothing. Magnus grunted, throwing a cup to the ground with his magic. Rowena put a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him, he put his own hand over it and started to take deep breaths.

"You know you're gonna have to clean that up? I feel you, man, but I have direct orders. If you can't help him, then you need to go." Raj said.

Rowena and Magnus glared at him, "Our magic is the only thing keeping Alec from completely slipping away. We won't leave." Magnus stated, keeping his galre.

Raj did not take the hint and walked closer to Magnus, "I know you're old, but I didn't realize you were hard of hearing. He's clearly not waking up any time soon, so you can leave now, or I can remove you myself-" Raj was caught by Magnus' magic and choked at the neck. Rowena was going to stop this but Raj did get himself into this situation.

"I'm sorry. I don't like being rushed." Magnus said, throwing Raj against the wall and breaking the painting that was hung up. Isabelle, after hearing the noise, came rushing in, stopping Magnus from going any further.

"Magnus, stop. We need to get Alec out of here, but this isn't helping." She said, she turned to Rowena, "Why didn't you stop him?"

Rowena tilted her head to the side, "I was going to but he was kind of a dick, who's taking orders from an even bigger dick. He kind of got himself into that situation and I thought it might be good for Mag to let off a little steam." Izzy tried to be angry but couldn't.

A/N: Hi, hope you enjoy! Also, thank you so much for 1.5k reads! we've gone up 200 reads in one week! How tf is that possible! Also, as you can gauge from this chapter, Aldertree is my least favourite character in Shadowhunters and Simon and Izzy are my favourites. I want to start getting to know you guys better by asking you questions every chapter so who's your guys' most and least favourite characters?

Luv u xxxxx

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