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Depression, cutting, and suicide. You may continue.

"They're fighting again." sighed Steven as shouts could be heard loudly near them.

"I know. Let's let them handle this. Well come back in a few hours. If they haven't solved their problem by then, then we'll have to solve it for them." Garnet said pushing Steven gently out the door.

After Garnet and Steven left...

"Why are you always doing this?!" Amethyst yelled at Pearl.

"Always doing what?!" Pearl yelled back at Amethyst.

"You're always yelling at me and telling me what to! Stop nagging me! It's so annoying! My life would be better off without you!" Amethyst yelled at Pearl, before storming away into her room.

"If that's what you want," Pearl whispered under her breath, with tears rolling down her face.

Le Time Skip

Pearl was in the darkest corner of her room, sitting in front of a box. 'It's time,' she thought, getting out a razor blade. As she held the blade to her wrist, she listed the reasons for cutting in her head each time she slit her wrists.

I annoy her.

I nag her.

She would be better off without me.

Everyone would be better off without me.

No one needs me.

No one loves me.

Why did I think she would ever love me?

No one could ever love someone like me.

I'm a freak.

A monster.

I'm worthless.

My life means nothing to them.

I might as well die.

That was her last cut. With shaky hands, Pearl put the razor back in the box along with a letter she wrote for Amethyst in case she ever found her. Pearl wrote a note and placed it on top of the box. She laid down and sighed.

'I feel so at peace. Is this what it feels like when all the pain finally ends?' Pearl thought, while closing her eyes and smiling. She died a few seconds later with a smile on her face.

Another time skip

"Pearl? Are you in her?" Amethyst inquired, walking into Pearl's room.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was just really mad. I didn't mean anything I said earlier. I hope you can forgive me." Amethyst said, walking deeper into Pearl's room.

She gasped and dropped to her knees, as she came to the darkest corner of the room. There, she saw Pearl lying on the floor. Amethyst picked up the note off the the box that said 'Open' in Pearl's hand writing.

When Amethyst opened the box, she found a letter also written in Pearl's hand writing. It said:

'Dear Amethyst,

I'm sorry I bother you so much. I wish I did not  annoy you like you said. Maybe then I would have had a chance with you. I have wanted to tell you for a while that I have always been in love with you. Ever since we found you in the Kindergarten. When I saw your face for the first time I thought, 'She has to be mine'. I'm glad that you said all of those things earlier. They confirmed that I never really had a chance with you. It is okay though. I accepted that long ago. I just needed you to confirm it for me. Now that you have, I have nothing else to live for. You are the reason for me being alive. I would have ended it a long time ago, but seeing you smile everyday gave my something to look forward to. I wanted to make you happy. I wanted to make you smile like the others did. But I was content with staying in the background watching you be happy. Isn't that what true love is? Letting the one you love be happy with others even if you aren't happy yourself? At least, that's what I think it is. By the time that you are reading this I will already be dead. I just wanted you to know that I love you. I always have, always will. I guess this is goodbye. Do not cry over me after I am dead. I want you to be happy like you were before I died. Do not ever forget that I love you.

Sincerely yours,

After reading Pearl's letter, Amethyst let out a pain filled scream as she shook violently with tears streaming down her face.

I'm so sorry about the first one-shot being super depressing. I promise the next few after this will be happy. Also please don't ever cut. It will get better. The pain will end soon. I am ALWAYS here if you need someone to talk to so please don't self harm. If you don't have a reason for living anymore then please find one. I could be for a person, watching anime, or even reading books. But please don't end your life. I love and care about all of you guys, so please don't give up on life.

Bye Airheads🎈
Love you guys 💙

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