S'mores (human au)

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Pearl and Amethyst had gone to Brooding Hill to have a picnic while watching the sun go down. They had already eaten sandwiches, fruit salad, and jelly-filled donuts. They had strawberry champagne to drink with it. Soon the sun began to set.

About 20 minutes after the sun had set, Amethyst lit the fire and took out the extra blanket

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About 20 minutes after the sun had set, Amethyst lit the fire and took out the extra blanket. She handed the blanket to Pearl who wrapped it around herself seeing as she was getting cold.

Amethyst began to pull out Graham crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey's chocolate. As Amethyst assembled the items, Pearl questioned her about what she was making. Amethyst just told her it was a surprise.

After the s'mores had finished, Amethyst told Pearl to try it. After she tried it her eyes lit up. Pearl asked what it was and Amethyst told her it was a s'more. 'Haven't you ever tried one?' Amethyst asked Pearl in which she responded by telling her she had never heard of it. Pearl said she had never even heard of it. Amethyst decided then that they would do this more often.

After they had gone inside and gotten ready for bed, Pearl kissed Amethyst good night. Amethyst told Pearl that she wanted s'more. That night Amethyst slept on the couch. Haha!

Bye Airheads🎈
Love you guys💜

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