Cherry blossom trees and dreams

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Amethyst had a problem. She had a problem that was so difficult not even Garnet, the smartest of the Crystal Gems could give her the answer to her problem. The problem was she couldn't find a birthday gift for her best friend Pearl. It may not seem like it since they argue a lot, but they are the closest out of all the Crystal Gems.

        Ever since Rose found her in the Kindergarten and introduced her to Pearl, they have been stuck together ever since. One was never seen without the other. If Pearl was on the beach, Amethyst was on the beach. If Amethyst had gone to the Kindergarten, Pearl was right there by her side. It was almost as if they were joined at the hip. If they were this close then Amethyst should easily be able to pick out a present for her best friend.

        'What do you get a gem turning 12,000 for their birthday' Amethyst thought pacing around her room. Amethyst had already gotten Pearl a box of chocolate from every country in the world, but she wanted her present to have more meaning. Amethyst didn't just want to get Pearl something simple. She wanted to go all out for her best friend. After all, they have known each other for 6,000 years.

        Even though Amethyst has known her for a long time, she can't think of anything Pearl loves more than chocolate and cherry blossom trees. 'That's it! Cherry blossom trees' Amethyst thought, jumping around her room excitedly. 'I'll take her to see the cherry blossom trees in Japan' Amethyst thought running out of her room to ask Steven for his laptop.

        "Steven! Give me your laptop!" Amethyst yelled, jumping up on his bed, waking him up from his peaceful slumber.
"Ahhh!" Steven yelled, eyes wide open as he looked around the room with urgency. "What's happening? Is someone hurt? Are we under attack?" Steven questioned, getting up from his bed and grabbing a sword.

        "No, dude. I just want to borrow your laptop to buy Pearl a birthday present. I'm going to get us plane tickets to see the cherry blossom trees in Japan," Amethyst explained, waiting for Steven's answer.

        "That's amazing! You guys are going to have so much fun together!" Steven yelled, with stars in his eyes.

        "Thanks. Now can I get the laptop, please?" Amethyst asked.

        "Of course!" Steven exclaimed, handing Amethyst the laptop.

        After talking with Steven, Amethyst ordered two plane tickets to Japan. Amethyst was planning to take Pearl to Ueno Park, where there were more than 1,000 cherry blossom trees. 'She's going to love it.' Amethyst thought, giving the laptop to Steven and going back to her room to prepare for Pearl's surprise birthday party.

        It was five days later and Connie was pulling Pearl into the pitch-black house as everyone got into their hiding spots.

        "Connie, What are you doing? No one's ho-" Pearl started but got interrupted.

        "Happy Birthday, Pearl!" everyone screamed.

        Pearl gasped. "You didn't have to do this for me, everyone," Pearl said, tearing up.

        "But we want to," Amethyst said, giving Pearl a hug.

        "Now lets party!" Steven screamed.

        After the party, which ended at 10:00 p.m., Amethyst gave Pearl her presents. Pearl and Amethyst decided to stay in Japan for a while after they arrived. After staying in Japan for a month, Pearl and Amethyst decided that they would stay there forever. They packed all their things and moved to Japan. They were happy with their new home. Pearl loved nature and Amethyst loved seeing her best friend happy. This was the best birthday present Pearl could have asked for.

After a few months of living in Japan, Amethyst decided she was going to confess her feelings to Pearl. That night, Amethyst took Pearl to Ueno Park. ⬇️


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As they walked through the park, Amethyst stopped them in an area where they were surrounded by cherry blossom trees but could still see the sky

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As they walked through the park, Amethyst stopped them in an area where they were surrounded by cherry blossom trees but could still see the sky.

"Pearl, I need to tell you something. Please don't interrupt me because this might be the only time I can say it," Amethyst, said waiting for Pearl to nod. After Pearl nodded, she continued to speak.

"I've wanted to tell you this for a long time. I love you, Pearl. I have always been in love with you. I wanted to at least tell you before it was too late and you found someone else. Please tell me if I at least had a chance with you. I have to know," Amethyst pleaded, looking up a Pearl with wide eyes.

Pearl leaned down and kissed Amethyst on the lips just as the fireworks went off. Amethyst immediately kissed back. The kiss wasn't lustful or anything of the sort. It was simple and filled with love. After a few seconds, they separated from each other.

"Does that answer your question?" Pearl asked, smiling down at Amethyst.

"I don't know. Maybe one more, just to be sure." Amethyst said, smirking up at Pearl.

"Whatever you need to reassure yourself," Pearl said, leaning down to give Amethyst another kiss.

After that, they went back home. After they had gotten ready for bed and slipped under the covers, Pearl began to speak.

"Amethyst?" She breathed out softly.

"Yeah Pearl?" Amethyst questioned back.

"Do you know what tonight was filled with?" Pearl asked Amethyst.

"What was tonight filled with?" Amethyst asked Pearl, as a yawn escaped her mouth.

"Tonight was filled with cherry blossom trees and dreams, Amethyst. Cherry blossom trees and dreams." Pearl said dozing off, right before Amethyst did as well.

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