Out of love

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Their relationship used to be full of joy and laughter but now it's full of anger and screams. It seemed that all Pearl and Amethyst did now was argue. When the first got married they almost never fought. Now they constantly argue about petty things. Now was one of those times but it had escalated to be something worse.

Pearl and Amethyst were throwing insults back and forth until Amethyst topped them all.

"Falling in love with you was the worst mistake I've made in my life! If I had known falling in love with you would end like this, I would have never fallen in love with you in the first place!" Amethyst screamed while she glared at Pearl.

"You're right. That's the only thing you're right about. I think we should get a divorce because this marriage isn't working out," Pearl said.

That night they agreed to get a divorce. Pearl slept in the fest bedroom. When they told their friend Steven, he said that maybe they should see a council before they actually file for a divorce. They agreed just to make Steven happy. He took them to his old counselor who helped him with depression.

(I don't really know how this counseling goes so bare with me.)

Garnet was their counselor's name. She asked them about their marriage and arguments. The last thing Garnet asked them was why they wanted to get a divorce. They both said," Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes". Garnet said that if Pearl and Amethyst really wanted a divorce, they should get one.

They later filed their divorce papers and made it official. Amethyst decided to move out of the house and continued to speak with Garnet. They eventually became a couple. Pearl spent the next month alone until she got a new neighbor. She invited her neighbor, Rose, over and they hit it off immediately. Rose asked Pearl yo be her girlfriend and she helped Pearl move into her house since it was bigger. And at the end of every day, Pearl and Amethyst thought, 'I hope you're happy wherever you are'.

Sorry I didn't put this up yesterday. I fell asleep writing.

Bye Airheads🎈
Love you guys💜

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