Bad Things

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Btw Amethyst is tall in this. High school/Human AU.
Lapis and Peridot-Sophomores
Lars and Garnet-Juniors
Amethyst and Jasper-Seniors

Pearl walks into Beach City High with her best friend Steven. Beach city high is a school for gems and humans. It was a new school year and they were freshmen. They walked to their lockers already knowing that they were beside each other since they had a tour last week.

While they were talking at their lockers, a group of six people walked up to them. All of them were taller than the two except one. The y'all purple haired girl spoke first.

"Yo! I'm Amethyst and this is Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Lars, and Jasper," she said as she pointed out each person.

"We were wondering if you guys wanna be  adopted into our friend group?" Amethyst asked.

"Sure! My names Steven and this is my bestie Pearl," Steven responded as he nodded his head towards Pearl.

"Hi," Pearl said sticking her hand out for Amethyst to shake.

Sparks erupted as the two shook hands. They had been staring into each other's eyes and holding hands for a while before Jasper cleared her throat. After they snapped out of the trance they all looked at one another's schedule only to see that they had all the same classes together.

"You two must be pretty smart freshmen to be in senior classes," Peridot said.

"We get that a lot even though we really aren't," Pearl and Steven said in unison shocking the others.

"What?" they both asked at the same time.

"That's kinda creepy," Lars pointed out as the two just smirked.

"It's just the power of best friends that have known each other since birth," They said at the same time.

"Have you two really known each other since birth," Lapis questioned them.

"Yep! We were born on the same day at the same time in the same hospital in the same room. Our moms were best friends and got pregnant at the same time and wanted their babies to be born in the same room. They actually asked the hospital to put us in the same bed. They thought we would be the perfect couple until we both came out as gay but they are very excepting," Pearl explained.

"Well what a coincidence we're all gay too!" Amethyst exclaimed, secretly excited that she has even more of a chance with Pearl.

Everyone but Pearl and Amethyst smirked at each other, secretly planning to get the two together. They continued talking until the bell rang and they headed to class.

Lunch had left as soon as it arrived for the group of friends. They had all gotten closer throughout the day and decided to skip the last period to hangout since they had study hall.

Everyone decided to go to the mall and look around in pairs and meet back up at the food court in 2 hours to get ice cream. The pairs were: Lapis and Peridot, Garnet and Jasper, Steven and Lars and Pearl and Amethyst.

2 hours later

Everyone had met back up at the food court except Pearl and Amethyst.

"Where's Pearlmythyst?" Steven asked looking around.

"Who?" Lapis asked confused.

"Pearlmythyst. Pearl and Amethyst's ship name," Steven said with a duh voice.

"Nice," Lars said.

Everyone had agreed that Pearlmythyst would be their ship name and that they would go ahead and get ice cream without them. They had come to the conclusion that they had been ditched since they had been standing there for 20 minutes and neither one of them had arrived.

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