p a r t 5 (updated)

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Second Year
"does someone always get chased by a ball or is that a one time thing?"

The next day, Y/N groans as she enters the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom where Professor Lockhart's paintings cover every wall

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The next day, Y/N groans as she enters the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom where Professor Lockhart's paintings cover every wall. He's a vein, Gryffindor wannabe or at least that's Y/N's opinion on the man. Much to the professor's dismay, the attention of the Gryffindor and Slytherin students aren't on Lockhart but on Seamus. Y/N can't see over the crowd of people so she taps Neville on the shoulder to try and find out what's going on. He grins at her, "Nice revenge!"

"What?" she asks confused.

"Dyeing his robes pink!" Neville laughs, "genius."

"I'm afraid it wasn't me but I can guess who it was," Y/N smiles at the thought of the Weasley twins.

"Right class settle down," Lockhart shouts whilst trying to swoop into class gracefully. He begins another tangent about his 'courageous' adventures
causing Y/N to zone out until a small blue creature, flies past.

"Cornish pixies," she groans, now noticing the students and professor leaving the class in a hurry, "Immobulus!"

"Thanks," Ron sighs in relief towards the girl. Y/N just smiles in return as the pixies float by in slow motion. "He's ridiculous," Y/N gestures to the closed door of Lockhart's office.

"I had detention with him," Harry huffs, "he made me sigh autographs."

The Golden Trio and Y/N all laugh at the teacher and how unqualified he is as they try to round up the pesky pixies before the charm wears off. Finally, they close the cage door and exit the classroom, Y/N turns to Ron, "Do you know where Fred and George are?"

"I believe they had Transfiguration," he replies. Y/N thanks him before splitting off from the Golden Trio in search of the twins. Since DADA finished so abruptly, the hallways are still empty due to students being in their classes. Y/N waits outside the Transfigurations classrooms and after fifteen long minutes, the two boys come out.

"Hello Y/N," they greet.

"Hey," she smirks, "so you won't believe what happened to Seamus."

The twins grin to each other as she proceeds to tell them about the pink robes. Y/N looks to both of them before giggling knowingly, "I wonder who did it, they must be geniuses."

"Oh they are," George winks.

"Totally," she smiles.

--- ⋆ฺ。*:・ ☆ ⋆ฺ。*:・ ---

"So why was everyone so pissed yesterday?" Y/N asks as she flops onto the couch beside George.

"Slytherin booked the Quidditch pitch even though we had already booked it," George huffs.

"They also have brand new broomsticks and then Ron tried to hex Malfoy and ended up vomiting slugs," Fred adds. Y/N looks to them confused, "Why did Ron try to hex Malfoy? Just because they wanted to play Quidditch at the same time?"

"Snape gave them permission to play instead of us, not at the same time and no..." George begins to falter.

"Malfoy called Hermione a mudblood," Fred finally mumbles.

"Oh..." Y/N replies quietly.

"There's nothing wrong with being a muggle born," Fred exclaims, "if anything it's better!"

"Yeah, I couldn't survive without magic," George smiles, "I probably couldn't even figure out how to pay for things, I mean what's a quid?"

"It's another name for a pound," she giggles to the ginger boy as her eyes warm to a bright yellow.

"Will you be cheering for us in the stands on Friday?" Fred asks.

"Sure, although you're going to need to teach me about Quidditch," Y/N laughs and so does Fred and George, "Deal."

--- ⋆ฺ。*:・ ☆ ⋆ฺ。*:・ ---

Thursday rolls around quicker than expected,
Y/N's week has been pretty uneventful with George and Fred training for the Quidditch match almost every day. She's currently sitting in the stands with the rest of the school, Hermione and Ron are in front of her screaming extra loud for Harry whilst she sits watching everyone in amusement. Sure, Quidditch isn't fun but Y/N does enjoy hearing the frustrated groans coming from everyone as they watch in anticipation. George makes sure to wave at Y/N from the pitch, he's secretly ecstatic that she came along and can't help but laugh at her almost bored expression. "Only her," he thinks as he notices the bludger begin to follow Harry and Malfoy.

Everything happened quickly, one minute Harry is on his broom and the next he isn't. The game stopped and students peer over the stands onto the pitch where Lockhart tries to repair Harry's broken bones. Both George and Fred watch over the boy who's groaning in agony whilst Snape eyes Lockhart suspiciously as he cast a spell that 'repairs' Harry's hand. Lockhart lifts up Harry's arm and everyone lets out a gasp of disgust when his limb folds almost in two.

Everyone rushes to the infirmary where Harry lies in bed with a bottle of Skele-gro beside him. Y/N look to Harry and then at his boneless hand before cringing, "Lockhart's incompetent."

"He told us we can 'duck and roll' away from hexes," Fred laughs.

"What an idiot," Y/N scoffs.

"I'm guessing you didn't enjoy Quidditch then," George teases.

"Oh no, that was incredibly interesting." Y/N laughs, "does someone always get chased by a ball or is that a one time thing?"

"One time thing," George shrugs.

"Shame," Y/N jokes as Harry spits out the potion causing everyone to grimace. Madam Promfrey asks everyone all to leave so Fred, George and Y/N begin to roam around the school grounds discussing various things.

"Snape's face was priceless," she laughs, "you should've seen it!"

"I wish I did," Fred huffs.

"Woah look at that," Y/N points to the ground at a trail of spiders.

"We once turned Ron's teddy bear into a spider," George laughs whilst recalling the memory.

"Poor thing," she giggles, stepping over the spiders and continuing to walk along the path to the black lake.

This was more of a filler chapter. Anyways, hope you're enjoying the book also vote and follow me.
Thanks x

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