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3 years later
"Both of us?"

"Breathe," Y/N whispers to herself, "Deep breathes

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"Breathe," Y/N whispers to herself, "Deep breathes."

"Everything okay?" Neville asks.

"Just nerves," she sighs.

"You'll be fine, you look beautiful," Neville comments.

Y/N grins, "Thank you for walking me down the aisle, it means a lot since my dad... you know."

"He's watching over you," Neville smiles, "Him, Tonks, Sirius... they all are."

"Thank you," Y/N says, taking a deep breath.

Neville links his arm with Y/N's and smiles down at her. The doors to the hall open and the band begins to play a slow song. Y/N and Neville begin walking down the aisle, he can feel her nerves slowly disappear as they near George.

Y/N giggles slightly as Fred hands his brother a tissue to wipe away the tears. George takes Y/N's hand and they stand in front of their friends and family, ready to commit to each other for the rest of their lives.

The officiator begins and George stares into Y/N's eyes, completely mesmerised by her pink eyes. Almost everyday for the past few years, her eyes have been pink and he's never gotten used to it. She loves him, completely and unequivocally.

"Do you, George Weasley, take Y/N Lupin to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the officiator asks.

"I do," George grins.

"Do you, Y/N Lupin, take George Weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the officiator questions.

"I do," Y/N cries happily.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you make kiss the bride," the officiator says.

"Gladly," George mumbles before pulling Y/N into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too," Y/N whispers against his lips.

--- ⋆ฺ。*:・ ☆ ⋆ฺ。*:・ ---

George and Y/N move into a home just outside of Devon. It's exactly as they discussed all those years ago at the Yule Ball: A big country house, fields, a dog and a few magical creatures that Y/N couldn't bare to part with.

Y/N smiles as she places the pastry on top of the apple pie she's baking. George will be home soon from the joke shop and no doubt Fred will be joining them. She slices a small piece of apple and throws it in the air, her demiguise quickly appears and catches the sweet treat.

"Of course you appear for food," she laughs as a flash of green erupts from the fireplace.

"Hi love," George grins, immediately walking over and giving his wife a kiss.

"Hi darling," Y/N grins before turning to Fred who's playing with her niffler, "Hi Fred."

"Hi Y/N," Fred laughs as he makes his way over to the dining table, "What's for dinner?"

"Steak," she replies, "Then apple pie."

The three sit down at the dining table and Fred begins discussing a women he met at the joke shop, she sounds nice and he sounds like he's in love. George then asks Y/N about her day studying magical beasts alongside Newt Scamander as well as her lunch with Draco.

"It was good," she laughs, "Now before dessert, I have a present for both of you."

"Both of us?" Fred asks.

"Yep," Y/N grins as a mooncalf nudges over two identical boxes. She picks them up and places one in front of George and one in front of Fred, they both grin at the unexpected surprise, "Okay, you can open them."

Both Fred and George lift the lids to the boxes and stare at the white t-shirt's in confusion. They pull them out of the boxes and open the folded material up to reveal two statements. George's t-shirt says "Best Dad" and Fred's t-shirt says "Favourite Uncle".

"W-Wait," George starts to cry, "I'm going to be a dad? You're pregnant?"

"I am," Y/N grins as George picks her up and spins her in the air.

"I'm going to spoil your kid rotten," Fred comments.

"Kids..." Y/N smiles, "Twins."

"Oh thank Merlin," George replies before showering Y/N with kisses.

9 months later, Y/N delivers a little boy and girl. She and George stare at them in utter delight, laughing slightly as Remus Freddie Weasley's eyes slowly change to a gleeful orange that match his and his sister, Molly Amelia Weasley's red hair.

I really enjoyed writing this book and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I decided not to write chapters for Order of the Phoenix to Deathly Hallows but I feel like this was a good ending.
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Love you all,
Eve x

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