p a r t 15 (updated)

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Third Year
"What were your friends like?"

"Idiot," Y/N grumbles as she storms into the Gryffindor common room

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"Idiot," Y/N grumbles as she storms into the Gryffindor common room.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Fred asks.

"Malfoy!" she spits in reply.

"Did he say anything to you!" George exclaims, "I'll fight him, how dare he! I swear to merlin i'll-"

"Georgie!" Y/N interrupts, "He was just being a dick as usual and got knocked over by a Hippogriff so Hagrid's class will probably be cancelled."

"Oh..." he smiles sheepishly, "Do you want us to talk to Dumbledore?"

"and say what George?" Fred smirks at his brother. George squints a little as he thinks, "... I don't know."

Y/N giggles as she lies down on the couch, her head rests in George's lap causing him to smile down at her. This is new, something both of them have been secretly trying out: little touches here and there, sitting extremely close and slightly awkward flirting every so often.

His soft hand begins to play with her hair, relaxing Y/N's tense body as her eyes close slowly and she drifts off into deep sleep.

"I don't think i've ever seen you smile that big," Fred whispers to his brother who is looking at Y/N lovingly. 

"Shhh," George says trying to lessen his beaming smile.

A few hours later, Y/N's eyes open slowly. The fire has died down from a roaring flame to a soft glow and the common room is silent apart from a a faint breathing that can be heard from behind Y/N. She slowly lifts her head from George's lap and her gaze falls on him, his mouth is parted slightly and she admires his soft freckles. Deciding to leave him sleeping, Y/N gets up and drapes a blanket over him, trying not to wake him up.

"See you later Georgie," she whispers, kissing his cheek and leaving to go and find out if Hagrid is allowed to continue teaching. George's smiles softly as he opens his eyes slightly to see her retreating figure.

--- ⋆ฺ。*:・ ☆ ⋆ฺ。*:・ ---

"Harry!" Y/N shouts to the boy who's with Ron and Hermione.

"Y/N?" he says turning around to face her.

"Hagrid? Buckbeak?" she rushes out.

"We don't know yet..." he sighs.

"When will we find out what's happening?" she asks.

"I don't know," Harry huffs.

"It's not going to make things easier thinking about it," Hermione suggests, "Come on, we have Hogsmeade this weekend!"

"I don't..." Harry mumbles.

"Me neither," Y/N replies, "Nobody would sign it for me."

A heavy, uncertain silence fills the space between the four friends, it isn't often that Harry doesn't have an answer and Hagrid being their good friend only makes things worse.

"Miss... Y/N," a voice interrupts the quietness.

"Professor Lupin?" she smiles.

"Could you, perhaps, help me with these books?" he asks.

"Of course," she grins taking five books off the top of the pile.

"How have you been?" Lupin asks, "I see your eye has healed."

"Mostly healed... but i'm good nonetheless," she replies honestly. He smiles back at her before directing her to a small book shelf where she places down the books. Y/N picks up an old and worn book, she opens the first page, noticing a bunch of scribbles and conversations between a few people before flicking to other pages. She lands on the patronus charm, remembering how he used it on the train. She looks back to the professor, "How did you do the patronus charm? I've been trying for a while but cannot produce one."

"A while? A patronus is difficult for such a young witch," he replies, "but i'd be happy to help."

"Really?" Y/N grins.

"Of course," he laughs at her excitement and bright yellow eyes that remind him of someone he loved so dearly.

"I don't see you with Harry often, are you good friends?" Lupin enquires.

"Yeah but i'm better friends with Fred and George." she explains.

"Ahh, so you're a prankster like them?" Lupin asks.

"Yep so far we've blown up the Ravenclaw couches and painted Snape's-" Y/N stops herself, "Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this."

Remus laughs, "You remind me of my friends and I when we were at Hogwarts."

"You were at Hogwarts?" Y/N questions.

"I was a Gryffindor and a prefect, although I didn't really do much as prefect," he smiles remembering the time fondly.

"What were your friends like?" Y/N asks, flicking back to the page filled with fades conversations.

"Well... there was Padfoot-" Lupin begins.

"Padfoot?" Y/N laughs at the name.

"Yes, Padfoot," Lupin smiles, "He was the unofficial leader, a kind man and my best friend. There was also Prongs, the bravest man you'll ever meet who was insanely in love with this girl -"

"Did he get her?" Y/N grins fondly.

"He did..." Remus replies, "Then there was also Wormtail... he was our good friend but it seems he may have been led down the wrong path."

"What about you?" she asks.

"I was called Mooney," Remus laughs at the name, he hasn't said it in a long time.

"They all sound really nice," Y/N expresses, "I hope I get to meet them one day, maybe you can all give us pointers on pranks."

"I'm sure they would've loved that," Remus smiles sadly at the girl in front of him. Her features are strikingly similar to someone he knew a long time ago. Y/N looks around at Lupin's office, not everything is unpacked but it's still better than Lockhart's self centred office. She walks around, looking at the telescope and astronomy charts on the walls depicting the path of the full moon. He also has small trinkets and an old Gryffindor scarf.

"So you've been trying to conjure a patronus," Lupin states, "Why do you think it's not working?"

"I don't know..." she lies, it would've been a solid lie if her eyes didn't give her away.

"I think you do know," Remus sighs.

She groans, "I don't have a happy memory, not one strong enough to produce a corporeal patronus."

"No happy memories, none at all?" Remus hesitantly asks, he always thought muggles were nice but clearly Jonathon and Leslie are exceptions.

"It's okay, you don't need to feel bad for me or anything," Y/N smiles, "I- I just want to produce a patronus to prove to myself that I can be that happy."

"A happy memory will come with time," Remus reassures her, "Don't rush it and i'm sure you'll end up with the most powerful patronus in the school."

"Thanks," she smiles gratefully, "I'll see you in class tomorrow."

Remus is my favourite, like he's so sweet.
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