p a r t 24 (updated)

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Summer between third and fourth year
"Flirting and boasting?"

Summer between third and fourth year"Flirting and boasting?"

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"Y/N wake up!" Hermione groans.

"No," Y/N slurs into her pillow as she pulls the duvet further over her head.

"I'll get George," Hermione threatens but Y/N doesn't listen, instead she buries her head deeper into the pillow as Hermione's steps retreat.
Less than five minutes later, George comes through with a smirk on his face. Even half asleep with her hair in a messy bun, Y/N is the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

"You need to get up," he says.

No answer.

"Quidditch is waiting!" he moans.

"I'd prefer football," Y/N jokingly mumbles.

"You have five seconds to get up or..." George pauses, "i'll attack you."

"Okay," she yawns.






George slowly climbs onto the bed and hovers over Y/N. A small smile creeps onto her face as she feels him breathing lightly on her neck. He leans down and lightly kisses her neck, creating goosebumps on her skin.

"Not much of an attack," she mumbles.

"You're right," George hums before beginning to tickle Y/N.

"Wait st-" she laughs, "stop, stop."

"What? I can't hear you," he mocks.

"G-George stop," Y/N continues to laugh.

"Are you going to get up?" he asks.


He begins to tickle her again not realising the whole house can hear their shared laughter. Y/N kicks him off and rolls them off the bed so she lands on top of him.

"You're up!" he cheers.

"Which means, I can do this," Y/N smiles, leaning down to peck him on the lips. Just as George tries to deepen the kiss, Y/N pulls away causing George to pout. She laughs, "Let's go get breakfast."

"Wait, no!" George pleads but she's already gone.

--- ⋆ฺ。*:・ ☆ ⋆ฺ。*:・ ---

"How much further?" Fred groans from beside Y/N and George.

"Yeah why are we walking to the World Cup?" George quizzes.

"We're not walking to the world cup, that would take forever!" Mr. Weasley answers as they trudge through mud and leaves. Y/N's doubtful that the Quidditch World Cup is going to be in the forest but after walking for an hour, she hopes it will be.

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