p a r t 18 (updated)

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Third Year
"See you around Weasley."

The sun penetrates the Great Hall through the large windows, most of the students stir whilst others never went to sleep due to the looming presence of a 'murderer'

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The sun penetrates the Great Hall through the large windows, most of the students stir whilst others never went to sleep due to the looming presence of a 'murderer'. Breakfast is due in an hour and the elves desperately want the Hall back so the remaining students are woken up. Y/N remembers a brief and sleepy conversation with George and decides not to tell him about Sirius, only about Lupin - who's currently pacing in his office trying to figure out what he's going to say to Y/N.

Everyone trudges back to their own common room to get changed, only to return to the hall for breakfast.

All the students trudge back to their common room in order to get dressed for the day, only to return to the hall for breakfast. Y/N sighs, it's only 9am and she's already tired but her day is filled with a bunch of errands such as catching up with her dad and then helping George clean the locker room which, surprisingly, she's looking forward too. She'll also probably have to give Neville a pep talk before his big date.

Y/N sits down for breakfast, unaware of the conversations going on around her: Ron and Hermione not wanting to leave Harry to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, Seamus spouting lies about Sirius and George talking about his excited he is for the first Quidditch game of the year. Y/N picks up a piece of toast and eats it lazily, her mind wanders to the awkward conversation she'll likely have with her dad.

"Y/N?" George nudges her lightly, pulling her from her trance.

"Hmm?" she mumbles lazily.

"I was asking where you went last night?" George says.

"It's a long story," Y/N sighs looking into his charming chocolate eyes.

"Want to talk about it?" he asks concerned.

She nods, subconsciously grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the Great Hall with her. They walk in silence, most likely because George is focused on how soft her hand is, until they reach an empty classroom. Y/N pushes the door closed and sits on a desk, George proceeds to sit on one opposite her.

"Lupinismydad," she rushes out.

"What?" George asks not hearing a single word.

"Lupin... he's my dad," Y/N explains, "I found out last night."

"Oh wow," George breathes out, "are you okay?"

"I am or at least I think I am," she replies with a shrug, "I'm meeting him at 11."

"Do you want me to wait for you?" George asks.

"No it's okay," she smiles, "you need to get ready for Quidditch."

"Promise you'll be there," George asks, he really wants Y/N to be in the stands since he knows she doesn't actually enjoy Quidditch but comes to see him which means a lot. 

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