p a r t 6 (updated)

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Second Year
"Don't put that idea in Harry's head, we'll end up being killed or something!"

Second Year"Don't put that idea in Harry's head, we'll end up being killed or something!"

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Y/N is awoken abruptly by worried voices echoing up from the common room. She turns over in her bed, eyes opening wearily before noticing the empty beds beside her. During the night, she had been up reading Jekyll and Hyde with Nearly Headless Nick which ultimately caused her to sleep through breakfast. Y/N wanders downstairs to the common room and Ron immediately rushes over to the tired girl.

"Blimey Y/N!" he freaks, "Did you hear Colin's been petrified?"

A feeling of dread washes over the girl, "Petrified?"

"Yes, the curfew has changed and everything!" Ron explains in a frenzy. Harry and Hermione come over as well, the trio decide to share their theories with Y/N since she's now, in Ron's words, 'A Weasley Allie' due to her being good friends with both Fred and George.

"So you think the chamber of secrets is real?" Y/N asks after being informed about everything the trio knows.

"Definitely," Hermione confirms, "we just have no idea where it is, or who opened it."

"If we find it maybe we can put a stop to the attacks,"  Y/N says which makes Ron groan, "Don't put that idea in Harry's head, we'll end up being killed or something!"

"Y/N's right Ron," both Harry and Hermione reply.

"Can we at least try and survive the duelling lessons first?" Ron asks as they leave the common room and make their way to Lockhart's class.

Students crowd around Professor Snape and Lockhart and they stand in position for a duel. Lockhart cockily runs his hand through his hair as he addresses the class as though they have no idea what's going on. Both him and Snape get ready for a duel, chant their defence charms and Lockhart goes flying backwards as he isn't, and probably never will be, quick enough.

Next is Harry and Malfoy who look at each other with a deep hatred that Y/N recognises as one she gives her father.

Spells are shouted back and forth between the two boys causing Draco to fly backwards. He gets up with his hands curled into a fist and recites a hex that causes a snake to shoot out towards Harry. Y/N half expects Harry to kill the creature or at least kick it away, but is shocked to find him speaking to the snake. She'd only read about parseltongue and found it fascinating to watch. The snake follows Harry's command like a dog on a leash and approaches a boy  Y/N hasn't spoken to before, what is Potter telling the snake to do?

Class finishes with everyone staring at Harry scared and confused, is he the heir of Slytherin? Y/N refuses to believe that so she follows Ron and Hermione who have gone after Harry.

"I was telling it to get away!" Harry says as if it is obvious, "you heard it."

"No we didn't," Hermione points out, "you were talking in parseltongue."

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