p a r t 27 (updated)

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Fourth Year
"Because it's pathetically dimwitted."

"Piece of shit," Y/N grumbles to herself as she storms into the common room, "The nerve of him!"

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"Piece of shit," Y/N grumbles to herself as she storms into the common room, "The nerve of him!"

"Y/N?" Harry calls to her, she didn't even notice him and Ron on the couches, "We're about to go and watch Fred and George put their names in the goblet, you coming?"

She sighs, "they're actually doing it?"

"Yeah," Harry smiles.

"Great..." Y/N mumbles. They leave the common room, walking down to the hall where the Goblet of Fire is being kept. It's dark as they enter, aside from the eery blue glow from the goblets flame. Y/N takes a seat beside Hermione who's watching various people place their name in the goblet.

Viktor Krum comes in along with his friends, the room falls silent and the only sound that can be heard is Krum's heavy boots. He places his name in the fire, he turns to leave and winks at Hermione before strutting out.

"What was that," Y/N asks as Hermione shrugs with a blush on her cheeks.

Cedric enters the room with some Hufflepuff students. They cheer as he steps over the white age line and places his name in the blue flame. Cedric's eyes briefly connect with Y/N's causing her hands to curl into a fist. Finally, Fred and George come in.

Gryffindor students whoop and clap as they approach the goblet, "Thank you, thank you! We've done it lads!"

George smiles looking over at Y/N, "Cooked it up this morning!"

"It's not going to work," Hermione states as she closes her book.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?" Fred asks as he sat on one side of Hermione as George sat next to Y/N.

Fred and George run up to the two girls. Fred takes a seat beside Hermione whilst George takes a seat beside Y/N, "Oh yeah and why's that, Hermione?"

"See this?" Y/N says pointing to the circle, "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred laughs.

"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion." Hermione finishes.

"That's why its so brilliant." Fred grins, "Because it's pathetically dimwitted."

Y/N grabs George's hand, "Please don't do it, people die in this tournament!"

"It'll be okay," George smiles at her.

"Georgie, I really don't want you to do it," Y/N sighs.

"Well there's no backing out now," George says causing Y/N to roll her eyes, "Ready Fred?"

"Ready George," Fred smirks.

They stand up on the bench, taking off the stopper on top of the glass bottle. "Bottom's up," they smirk simultaneously before drinking the potion.

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