p a r t 34 (updated)

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Fourth Year
"If not, i'll break a few."

Y/N's whole world comes crashing down as she stares into George's hooded and slightly bloody eyes

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Y/N's whole world comes crashing down as she stares into George's hooded and slightly bloody eyes. He looks back at her as if he has no remorse causing her heart to shatter into a million pieces. There isn't enough words to convey her heartbreak, she wants to scream at him, maybe throw in a few punches but she doesn't. Instead, Y/N remains composed, as if it's a minor inconvenience, whilst sliding the ring off and letting it fall beside George. She scoffs, "I hate you."

She turns on her heels, noticing how they suddenly sound louder on the stone floor like crashes of thunder as she walks. The air feels colder and somehow, everything seems less joyful. Y/N walks out of the castle, going nowhere in particular as her mind races with a thousand thoughts. Is she dreaming? Is this a prank?

The harsh winter air suddenly hits her and shocks her into the realisation that she isn't breathing. She couldn't breathe as hot tears fall down her red cheeks and she collapses onto the floor outside the Quidditch Pitch. Y/N can hear someone shouting her name as well as a jacket being thrown over her shoulders but she can't register who it is.

"I-I can't breathe," she chokes out.

"You're having a panic attack," the voice replies calmingly, "I've had plenty of these, just try to take deep breathes and count your fingers to take your mind off of it."

"I-I can't," Y/N panics.

"Woah it's okay," the voice coos, "Count with me... 1, 2, 3..."

"4," Y/N gasps looking down at her shaking hands, "5, 6, 7..."

"8, 9, 10," the both say in unison as Y/N draws in deep breathes. 

Y/N looks up to see Draco's silvery eyes filled with pity. He smiles sweetly, feeling a sense of protectiveness over the usually lively girl. Draco sighs whilst wrapping his arm around Y/N's shoulder, "I'm sorry he betrayed you."

"I'm stupid for believing that we would last," she laughs dryly.

"Want me to teach him a lesson?" Draco asks seriously.

"I think Fred already did that," she replies sadly, "I-I don't understand how i-it even happened, I was gone for two minutes."

"I don't know, Wolfie," Draco mumbles as Y/N rests her head on his chest, "You left to find Hermione then Lavender came in and pulled him away. Don't know what they talked about but then they kissed and Fred tackled him."

"Let's hope George broke a few ribs whilst going down," Y/N tries to smile.

"If not, I'll break a few," Draco comments.

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