p a r t 16 (updated)

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Third Year
"Who's that?"

"Repeat after me, Riddikulus

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"Repeat after me, Riddikulus." Professor Lupin addresses the class.

"This class is ridiculous," Malfoy spits.

"So like you then?" Y/N snorts, batting her eyes innocently.

"Shut it you filthy mudblood," Malfoy hisses.

"Fuck off you pureblood psycho," Y/N retorts.

"Malfoy! Y/an!" Lupin yells to the two bickering, "Detention after school and 5 points from each house!"

Y/N groans, moving away from the boy she hates. Actually, hate is an understatement. Y/N watches as Neville steps up to the Boggart, his legs shake slightly and Y/N wonders what his fear his. Snape steps out of the cupboard and, with Lupin's guidance, suddenly wears old lady clothes causing the whole class to laugh. Y/N then watches as Ron steps up causing the Boggart to shape into a spider, then Lavender steps up, producing a rattlesnake, Parvati with a mummy and Seamus with a banshee.

"Y/N, your turn."

Suddenly, Y/N's stomach fills dread as she steps up to the boggart, unsure of what she'll see. Will it be Jonathon and Leslie? Perhaps it'll be something from her many nightmares. Surprisingly, two familiar red heads step out, their expressions are blank.

"Georgie?" Y/N whispers before looking to Professor Lupin as she isn't entirely sure why her friends are standing in front of her.

"Look at her," Fred snips, "Worthless."

Y/N's eyes widen at her friend's words. George looks over Y/N as if he has no clue who she is before replying, "A monster, no wonder her parents hate her."

"Y/N," Remus coos, "You need to do the spell."

"R-Riddikulus," she rushes out, unable to look the twins in the eyes. 

"Y/N, are you alright?" Harry asks, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I-I just need a moment," she replies, walking away so another student can step up. She leaves of the class with a feeling of dread in her stomach and a slight pain in her hand.

Did she really grip her wand that tight that it drew blood?

Her feet feel tingly and her hands are shaking, she knows it isn't real but she can't help but feel like Fred and George think that about her.

"Y/N are you alright?" Professor Lupin asks running after the girl.

"I- I can't breathe," she panicks.

"It's okay, look at me, it wasn't real," he reassures. "I used to get panic attacks almost every month and to help i'd describe sounds. How about we do that?"

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