p a r t 22 (updated)

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Third year
"Dad, please be okay!"

"Thank you," Remus comments to his daughter as he helps her out from the whomping willow

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"Thank you," Remus comments to his daughter as he helps her out from the whomping willow.

"It's okay," Y/N smiles, "I'm glad Harry finally knows the truth."

"Me too," Remus sighs, "Summer's soon..."

"It is," Y/N replies. Remus looks to his daughter, trying to muster up the courage to ask her an important question, "Perhaps you'd like to spend some of it with me? Only if you want too."

"I'd love too!" Y/N giggles.

Y/N looks over to Sirius and Harry, wondering if they're having a similar conversation. It's getting dark but no one minds, the stars are out, the wind is cool and the moon was full.

"Y/N..." Remus says in a quiet, strained voice, "I forgot my medication, run!"

"Sirius!" Y/N yells, noticing the slightly manic look in her dad's eyes.

"Remus, my old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asks running towards Lupin.

Lupin shakes his head nervously, he looks scared as Sirius continues talking, "You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! Here! This flesh is only flesh!"

As Remus and Sirius are preoccupied, Wormtail grabs his wand but luckily, Harry disarms him before he can do any damage. Peter manages to shrink down back into his animagus form and escape, everything that could go wrong, was going wrong.

"Run! Run!" Sirius warns Y/N but she doesn't want to leave.

"I- I..." she replies, "Dad, please be okay!"

Y/N's words are the last thing Remus fully registers as his werewolf form took over. Y/N, along with the trio, try to get away. Ron cries in terror as Lupin creeps closer, "Nice doggy. Nice doggy!"

Remus' attention turns to Snape whose emerging from the Whomping Willow, angry at Y/N for knocking him unconscious. Snape stumbles backwards in fear as Sirius tries to move Remus away from the group. Moony and Padfoot begin to fight, they growl and snap at each other as Snape pulls the worried teens behind him. Harry shrugs himself away from Snape's grip and runs after Sirius into the forest.

"We have to help them!" Y/N says frantically.

"We will do nothing of the sort," Snape scoffs, "We will return to the castle where it is safe!"

"But that's my dad!" she protests.

"Who's perfectly okay, it's Sirius and Harry you should be worrying about," Snape replies condescendingly.

Y/N huffs, "Don't make it sound like he's some monster."

"He-" Snape begins but stops as he notices Y/N's grip on her wand tighten. Ron sighs and pulls the angry girl away from Snape, "Ignore him, come on."

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