p a r t 9 (updated)

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Second Year
"Stop procrastinating..."

Y/N hasn't heard from Harry since that night at Hagrid's

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Y/N hasn't heard from Harry since that night at Hagrid's. Him and Ron spend most of their time in the library or pestering Professor Sprout about whether or not the mandrake is ready to reverse Hermione's petrification. Y/N doesn't mind of course, since she spends most of her time with the twins instead. During the short period of three days, they'd set fireworks off in Filch's room, replaced the kitchens sugar with salt so dessert was inedible and finally, turned Snape's classroom into a lovely shade of pink - which they got caught for.

Currently the trio are sitting in the now black classroom scrubbing cauldrons for punishment. George huffs as he scrubs harder at the black cauldron, "This is ridiculous!"

"Would you prefer to be cleaning the toilets?" Y/N asks. George looks up with a disgusted face, "Merlin no!"

"So Y/N," Fred begins, "We're all best friends now..."

"Yeah?" She laughs, unsure of where he is going.

"Yet we know nothing about you," George finishes.

"How about a game of 20 questions?" Y/N suggests since she also knows very little about the two boys. 

"Favourite colour?" Fred asks.

"Y/F/C," Y/N replies, "Favourite food?"

"Ice cream," George answers, "What do you want to be when you're older?"

"Magizoologist, like Newt Scamander," she smiles at the thought, "Favourite muggle sport?"

"We don't have one," Fred replies honestly.

"H-Have you never played football?" Y/N gasps.

"No," George grins at her shocked expression, "That's two questions so we get two."

"Favourite drink?" Fred asks.

"Irn Bru," she replies in a 'duh' tone as if it's obvious.

"Favourite memory?" George questions.

Suddenly, Y/N's she's cloud over in sadness, her
Y/E/C eyes turn to a misty blue as she tries to recall a happy memory. The truth is, Y/N hates home. She used to love it, when she'd play with her parents in the garden and everything was magical because of her imagination rather than it being real magic. When she'd pretend to save her mum from a dragon or go on a quest with her dad but now those memories are tainted. Her memories, her childhood, is forever tainted by the harsh words her parents hurled at her when the magic began real, when they became scared.

"Y/N?" George asks with a soft voice. She looks to him, suddenly aware of the tears in her eyes. Y/N blinks the tear away before sighing, "Honestly, the only good memories I have are the ones I've made with you over the past few months."

The two boys smile at Y/N sadly, they've both grown up in a loving environment and haven't really come in contact with neglect until they met Harry last year. George imagines his mother pestering over Y/N, wrapping her in five different blankets with a cup of hot chocolate during winter or even taking her on shopping trip with Ginny. Meanwhile, Fred is imagining how Y/N would fit in with the Weasleys. He knows she'd get on well with Charlie and their dad will definitely ask her never ending questions about muggles that she would answer without getting annoyed. For some reason, he can also imagine Y/N and George sitting on their small couch, her probably trying to explain some muggle book that has a deeper meaning than whatever George originally thought. Meanwhile, George would be sitting with a smile creeping onto his lips as she rambles with such passion, knowing he wants to have these conversations every day.

"Fred?" George asks disrupting his thoughts.

"What?" he replies.

"If you don't start scrubbing, we'll be here all night!" George laughs.

--- ⋆ฺ。*:・ ☆ ⋆ฺ。*:・ ---

Y/N collapses onto the couch in the Gryffindor common room along with Fred and George, exhausted from two hours of cleaning. She briefly considers that the amount of chemicals she inhaled would kill her but was too tired to really think about it. Her eyes begin to close slowly and her breathing begins to level out, both Fred and George notice this so chose to sit in a comfortable silence whilst letting their body's relax. The portrait opens and a rather loud and terrified Ron comes barging in with Harry only a few steps behind.

"Spiders! I hate spiders," he shudders, "they were everywhere!"

"But now we know Hagrid's not guilty and it was someone else who opened the chamber of secrets." Harry says triumphantly.

"It could be anyone," Y/N yawns, scaring George since he hadn't noticed her eyes open.

"Can we figure this out tomorrow?" Ron pleads, "I'm covered in cobwebs."

"Yeah," Harry replies, "we'll start again tomorrow, Y/N meet us in the library after transfiguration."

"You got it sarge," she mockingly salutes, Harry laughs and wanders up the stairs to his shared room.

"I guess we should be going to be too," Fred sighs but didn't move from his spot.

"Yeah..." Y/N yawns but remains seated.

"Stop procrastinating," George huffs standing up from his seat, "come on."

He gestures to Y/N but she just folds her arms like a disobedient child. After two hours of cleaning plus a whole day at school, she doesn't really care where she falls asleep, just as long as she can close her eyes without being interrupted. George walks over grabbing her arms and pulling her up from the couch. Y/N crashes into him but secretly, neither of them minded. He drags her up the stairs with Fred following sleepily behind muttering something about how the rug looks especially comfy.

"Night Y/N," George smirks as she disappears into her room, thankful he forced her up the stairs.

"Night Georgie," she smiles, "night Fred."


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