Chapter 2

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Yeora's POV

"Yeora? Where are you going?." My brother asked.

"I'm going to buy some snacks at the convinience store with Beomgyu, but I won't take long." I replied and grabbed my shoulder bag.

"Ok! Is Beomgyu going to fetch you?." He asked.

"Nope! We're going to meet at our destination because his parents doesn't know that we will heading somewhere." I replied again.

"Be careful Yeora because there were a lots of drunk and crazy man in this village so be careful and call your boyfriend to fetch you." He said worriedly but I chuckled.

"I'm not afraid of those guys! I can kick their ass." I said and rolled my eyes then went outside.

When I went outside, I felt really cold because of my outfit. I am only wearing an off-shoulder shirt and a short.

Uh! I wish I could bring my jacket because its f*cking cold here. Darn you Yeora! You just want to look pretty infront of Beomgyu.

While I was walking, I walked pass to those guys who were talking. I saw them looking at me but I didn't care.

I rolled my eyes and continue to walk until I heard some weird noise behind me. I turned around and saw those crazy boys that I walked passed in.

"Are you all following me?." I asked annoyed.

"Isn't it obvious pretty lady? You should not walk here all alone." The other one said and smirked at me.

"Tsk! Just leave me alone! I don't need all of you." I said and was about to walk away but then I felt something on my wrist.

"What the f*ck! Let go of me!." I shouted angrily.

"Before we let you go, have fun with us and were going to set you free." The guy with a beard said.

"What if I don't want! I don't want ugly people!." I yelled.

"Yah! Let go of her." I heard a voice behind me then I felt that my wrist are free.

"Guys! You don't need to hurt a girl like her. Girls are meant to be loved, not to abused ok?." A handsome guy said but I don't mind, Beomgyu is more handsome than him.

"And who the hell are you? Its none of your business! This is my girlfriend." The boy shouted but I immediately slapped him.

"Eiw! You're so disgusting man! You are not my boyfriend! I already have one but its not you!." I shouted and ran towards the handsome guy and hide behind him.

"Well boys, let me tell you one thing! Don't you dare to touch my girlfriend if you don't want to die early." The handsome guy said and I quickly stare at him.

He looked back at me and give me a "go with the flow look" and I already got what he's saying.

"O-oppa, they are going to take advantage of me." I said and fake cry.

The man gave them a death glare and the crazy stupid guys walked away leaving me with this handsome man.

"Thank you for saving me." I thanked him and he smiled.

"Its ok. Besides, they are going to do something bad to you. BTW, I'm Jeon Wonwoo." He said and offered his hand on me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Park Yeora. And thank you again for saving me." I replied and quickly took his hand then we smiled at each other.

"BTW, I need to go now! Its freaking 6pm and I think my real boyfriend is waiting for me. Thanks again Wonwoo." I said and walked away but I heard what he say.

"Goodbye Park Yeora! I hope we meet again." I heard him but I didn't mind.

After 10 minutes of walking, I arrived at the convinience store and I saw Beomgyu at the outside.

"Hey! What's taking you so long? I've been waiting for you for almost 15 minutes." He said annoyed but I chuckled.

"Sorry boss, I just got in trouble. But let's not mind it, we need to be quick because I'm going to pack my things." I said and we both get inside.

Beomgyu grabbed a cart while I was busy picking some ramen and many snacks that were going to eat tomorrow.

"Boss? How about we buy these fries since its Hana's favorite." He appeared behind me while holding a plastic of fries in his hand.

"Ok! You're going to pay for that since you're the one who pick that." I said evilly and he placed the fries in the cart.

After 20 minutes, Beomgyu and I paid all the foods that we bought and we both decided to go home.

He take the box while I'm walking back home. He didn't bring his car because of his parents.

He suggested to take me back but I refuse because he's carrying a heavy thing. So I decided to walk alone.

As I was walking, I heard a voice that is calling my name from behind.

"Hey Yeora!." I turned around seeing Wonwoo coming from behind.

"Oh Wonwoo? What are you doing here?." I asked and he just scratch the back of his neck.

"I'm just walking along the streets but I saw a pretty lady walking alone so I decided to approach her because I know some crazy guys would like to take advantage of her just like earlier." He replied and I chuckled.

"Tsk! You're so funny Wonwoo." I said.

"Are you heading back to your house?." He asked.

"Yeah!." I answered sweetly.

"Would you mind if I can come with you so that I can know where your house is?." He asked.

"Sure, you are nice BTW." I replied and started walking with Wonwoo following me.

After 10 minutes and I already arrived at my house. Wonwoo looked at me when I stopped walking.

"Why did you stop?." He asked curiously.

"Its because I am already in front of my house." I said and he looked at his left then he already saw my house.

"Wow! So this is really your house? Its beautiful just like you." He said which made me blush a little.

"Oh come on Wonwoo! Stop mocking me ok? BTW, I'm going inside because my brother is waiting for me." I said and he nodded.

"Ok! See you later Yeora." He said and waved goodbye then walked away.

I smiled because Wonwoo is really kind even if I just met him a couple of minutes. But, I think we will suit as a friend because I already have Beomgyu in my life.

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