Chapter 43

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3rd Person's POV

Its now 5pm and the students at Seoul University are now back in their own homes. Only the best friends goals and Yeji are the only people left.

"Guys its now 5pm, should we go now and unlock them?." Yeji asked as she look at her watch.

"Sure, I am now worried at them. They haven't ate their lunch." Eunji agreed.

"But, what if the two didn't get back together as what we planned?." Yeora worriedly asked.

"Then its fine if the two didn't get back, the important thing is that we tried our best to make them get back together." Yeji answered.

They made their way to the library to check Hana and Taehyun. When they reached their destination, Yeji hurriedly unlocked the door.

When the main door is now opened, the 9 students were shocked to see Hana leaning on Taehyun's shoulder while playing with their intertwined fingers.

"Ehem, are you guys ok?." Yeji asked as she broke the sweet moment of the couple.

"Oh! Yeji." Hana immediately stood up as she released her hands on Taehyun then she ran in front of her.

"Are you ok girl?." Yeji pretend to be innocent like she didn't know what really happened.

"Yeah! I was scared when I get stucked here. I thought I won't be able to go home anymore." Hana replied and she looked behind Yeji then she saw her former best friends there.

"So? I saw you having a sweet moment with your ex? Are the two of you dating again?." Yeji asked and smirked.

Hana was about to answer but then Taehyun stand beside her and put his arms around her shoulder then smiled at Yeji and his best friends.

"Yeah! We're dating again, I guess this little girl is too shy to tell you miss." Taehyun answered Yeji's question and all of them coughed.

"See! I told you guys, this is the only way for them to reunite again. Look! They are back together as a couple." Yeji said happily and looked behind her.

"Yeah! Your trapped is really good Yeji. They are now back together." Yuri said while Taehyun raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean Yuri?." Taehyun asked looking confuse.

"Well bro! We agree on Yeji's plan to locked you and Hana inside so that the both of you will reunite again." Yeonjun said while smiling but Taehyun sighed.

"What the hell! So you are tricking me about the new Harry Potter fanfiction Hueningkai?." Taehyun asked while Hueningkai laughed.

"Yeah! That was a prank hyung, I used that as an excuse that's why you'll go there and meet Hana. Am I genius right?." Hueningkai said insulting his best friend.

"Yeji? Did you tricked me too about the fiction that the principal needed?." Hana asked raising her eyebrows towards Yeji.

"Well." Yeji nod and pats Hana's shoulder.

"I just want you to get back to your true love that's why I did this. Now look, my plan succeed and you too are dating again. Thanks to me because Taehyun is now yours again." Yeji added while Hana hugged her.

"Thank you so much Yeji, even if I get scared. It was just a trapped for me to get back to Taehyun again. Thank you Yeji, I owe you a lot." Hana said while hugging Yeji then she noticed that her former best friends are all smiling at her.

She looked sad and upset when she saw them smiling towards her. She quickly broke the hug with Yeji and she went in front of the girls.

"Guys." Hana mumbled as she looked at them with teary eyes.

"Thank you." She cried and immediately hugged the four of them.

"We missed you so much Hana." Eunji said as she broke the hug.

"I'm sorry guys for what I've said to all of you. I was so full of anger that time that I can't even control my mind. I hope we can be a good friends again." Hana said apologizing to her friends.

"No worries Hana, we already forgave you after we found out that you still love Taehyun. We thought that you hate him that much." Eunsoo said as she held Hana's hands.

"Ok enough girls! You all are back to your friendship again. Let's just go home because its getting late." Soobin interrupted their drama thing and they all chuckled.

"Uhm guys, I need to go now. See you later." Yeji said and Hana looked at her.

"See you again Yeji, and thank you for everything." Hana said as she smiled at her.

When Yeji left them in front of the library section. All of them decided to go home. They are about to stepped out of the gate when a loud voice interrupted them making them stopped from walking.

"Yah Hana!." Hana turned around and she was shock to see Samuel coming in front of her with an angry look.

"You're going home now? Let's go, I'll take you back to your sister." Samuel said and held Hana's wrist.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing!." Taehyun held Hana's right hand while Samuel is holding her left hand.

"What? I am now bringing my girlfriend back home so let go of her if you don't want me to kill you." Samuel replied as he didn't let go of Hana's wrist.

"Correction, my girlfriend not yours so your the one who need to let go of her!." Taehyun shouted while Samuel chuckled.

"She's mine so back off!." Samuel shout back but Hana tried to let go of her left wrist that Samuel was holding.

"Let go of me Samuel! I don't want to come with a freaking liar like you. So please let me go and I need to go home. My sister might be looking for me." Hana begged but Samuel didn't let her go.

"You're coming with me Hana! I am your boyfriend not that jerk so you're going to go home with me." Samuel said and dragged Hana away from them.

Suddenly, a fist landed on his face making him to let go of Hana. Samuel fell on the ground and his lips were bleeding.

"How many times do I have to tell you to let go of my girlfriend you dumb man!." Taehyun shouted and Hana stood behind him while holding his hand.

"Listen here Samuel, Hana and you are over. So don't ever come near her. If not, I'm going to burn you in hell! Keep my words." Taehyun said while pointing his index finger on Samuel then walked away heading to his car.

"Are you ok babe?." Taehyun asked as they hop inside his car.

Hana nodded while tears are non stop falling from her eyes. Taehyun told her that its gonna be ok. He also told her that he will protect her no matter what happen. And Hana felt comfortable being with Taehyun again.

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