Keep Pushing!

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Rudy POV

I was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance. I screamed and groaned from all the agonizing pain the contractions were causing. When I got to the hospital I was already 8 centimeters dilated, these babies were coming whether I wanted them to or not. Rose and I decided not to know the sex of the babies so we just bought a bunch of neutral colored things.

"Rose, baby, I don't think I can do this. It hurts so bad." I said sobbing.

The nurse in the room came to my side to comfort me. "Ms. Baldwin you've already done the hard part. You're 8 centimeters dilated without an epidural. You're already a supermom. I'm gonna check you again."

The nurse reached down and inside to check my cervix. "Yeap, that's what I thought. 10 centimeters and ready to push. Let's get you set up."

The nurses were all running around getting beds ready for the babies and making sure they were properly set up. The doctor came in and introduced herself. "Hey, Good Morning, I'm Dr. Brown, I'm gonna be delivering your babies today. We're gonna get you positioned and on your next contraction you're gonna push. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a plan to me doc. I've been pregnant far too long." I said to her laughing.

She placed my legs up, and Rose grabbed one side while I held the either side.

"I feel a contraction coming doc."

"Alright. Give me a big push and hold it for 10 seconds then let it out. I'm gonna count it out for you. Here we go."

I held my breath and pushed as hard as I could. I heard the doctor counting in the background.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... let it out. Okay here comes another one I need another big push."

After about 15 minutes of pushing our first miracle made their grand entrance!

"We have a baby! Baby number one is..... it's a girl! Congratulations!"

Rose was running over between deliveries to get the weights of the babies.
"Ava Rose 9:28 AM. 7 lbs 2 oz" I heard Rose say to me.

"I love it babe!"

"Alright Amber, here comes another contraction, Baby #2 should be much easier. Give me a big push!"

I pushed for about 25 minutes this time. Baby number 2 wasn't having it. Stubborn like me already.

"Alright, here's the head. And we have another baby! Baby #2's a Boy!" The doctor screamed!

"Austin Remington 9:43 AM 7lbs 7 oz" I heard Rose say.

"Alright. I'm just gonna check you and if everything is good we'll stitch you up and you be all done here."

The doctor reached in to check me and said, "Oh boy, we're not done yet. I feel another head!"

"ANOTHER HEAD!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. It's as if those words triggered a domino effect in the room. Rose passed out and the nurses went crazy trying to get more nurses to assist.

"You mean I have to push another baby out! Oh my god, this has to be a joke!"

"Nope not a joke Ms. Baldwin , here's another contraction. Give me another push!"

As the doctor was saying that the nurses finally got Rose to come to and she came back to my side to hold my legs as I pushed again.

20 minutes later, baby number 3 was here. It was another girl! I was so happy.

"Alena Rose 10:03 AM 6 lbs 10 oz." Rose said with a little chuckle. "I guess they'll share the same middle name"

"Alright, Ms. Baldwin. Keep pushing. I feel another head."

When I heard those words I wanted to scream. I only bought two car seats. How am I gonna transport 4 babies plus Aubrey in my car. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind. I began to push again. I was so tired.

"One big push Ms. Baldwin we're almost there."

I gave a big push and Baby number 4 practically slipped out. Born 7 minutes after Alena.

"Baby number four is another boy! Congratulations mama!"

She got the ultrasound machine and checked one more time and there was no more babies!

"Hallelujah!" I screamed!

Rose walked over laughing. "The last baby we'll name him Axel Ryland. Born at 10:10 AM 7 lbs 12 oz"

"I'm so proud of you babe. You did it. You birthed four beautiful healthy babies. Our family is complete!"

"Yes. Our family is definitely complete. No more kids. 5 is ENOUGH!" I said laughing. I then turned to the doctor. "Doc how is this possible? The whole pregnancy they've only seen two babies."

"Well, Ms. Baldwin, baby numbers 3 and 4 were likely hiding behind babies number 1 and 2 which is how they missed them. All the less, the babies are healthy and you did a great job mom. Congratulations!"

"Thank you doc!"

"You're welcome! Now try to get some rest. I know you're exhausted."  She gave me a friendly hug and exited the room.

Everyone was standing around cooing over the babies. Aubrey was in Wan's arms and just kept saying "Baby, baby, sissy, sissy" and it was so cute I could hardly contain myself. I really just birthed four babies into the world naturally. I'm a soldier!

I drifted off to sleep as everyone looked at the babies. I woke up maybe 2 or 3 hours later and my body felt heavy. I looked over and saw four babies and almost flipped. I guess Rose could see it on my face because she walked over and grabbed my hand.

"Yea babe, it's four of them."

I laughed a little and let out a sigh. "Babe, we need to get more seats, more clothes, more diapers, more me."

She laughed at my joke but I was partially serious. She stood up and turned and looked at me.

"I sent Wan and Monique, since Wan doesn't know how to shop for babies, to get car seats, more clothes, and a bigger car. I ordered a 2020 Suburban XL from Carvana and their gonna go pick it up and install all five car seats. The next question is a bigger house. We need at least 9 bedrooms. A room for each child and a master bedroom, our offices, and a guest bedroom."

"Yea, but Rose babe, that's going to be expensive. I'm down 6-8 weeks and yes money is still being made but I want to be there so I'm bringing in max profit. I have some new ideas and things I want to get my hands on but none of that can be done until I'm back out there."

"You're right love, I didn't think about that. Oh oh, babe, I have some money in my savings and we have money in our joint savings..."

"And I have money in my savings too..."

"So we may be able to pull it off. At least let me look around. 7 of us in either of our apartments isn't going to work."

"You're right babe, go ahead and look and show me what you see. We may have to just get a mortgage instead of buying it outright. Then when I get back out there, we'll pay it off."

"Sounds good babe."

"Bring me my babies so I can look at them!"

Rose got up and brought Ava and Alena over to me and went back and brought Austin and Axel.

I began to sob, "Babe they're beautiful. I grew four little humans inside of me and they're beautiful!"

"Yes they are mamas! You did it! All on your own, and you didn't even get an epidural! You're a super mom already!"

"Thank you baby!"

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