Duhn , duhn , duhhhnnnnn !!!!!

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Rudy POV

"Wan , I need you to come get Aubrey right now !"

"Waiiittt , slow down b , what's wrong?"

"The FBI broke into my fucking house and took Rose to jail!"

"Damn , that's fucked up. I'll just meet you at the police station and get her. I'm on the way."

"Iight b, I'm out."

I grabbed Aubrey and throw some clothes on her and myself as well and jumped in the car.

I sped downtown to the police station where Wan was already waiting for me . I jumped out of the truck headed to unbuckle Aubrey , but Wan stopped me.

"Go ahead guh , I got her."

"Aight." I ran into the building and went up to the first receptionist I saw.

"May I help you ma'am?"

"Yes , I need to know where Roselynn Stewart is ASAP!"

"Okay , hold on just a minute , let me look her up."

"Please hurry."

"Ahh , here she is. They have her in the interrogation room. You are free to go in there if you would like. If you turn around and go down the hallway to the right it's the last door on the left hand side."

"Okay , Thank you!"

I ran down the hall and knocked on the door. A strange man came to the door.

"Are you Ms. Baldwin?"

"I am." I said nervously.

"Okay , please come in."

I walked in and sat right next to Rose. "Can someone please tell me what is going on? Why is she down here ?"

"Well , Ms. Baldwin , we realized we made a bit of a fuss when we came to get your partner. We simply wanted to question her and got carried away. She has some very valuable information that is exclusively detrimental to one of our biggest cases. We will compensate you for any damages on our behalf if she cooperates with us."

"Okay well wassup? Rose get to talking baby."

"Well, Ms. Baldwin , we need some information on Rose's ex-coworker, Lamonica Parrish , from the Sapphire. Roscoe got killed a couple weeks ago and we believe it could have been her. She disappeared about 3 days after his murder was reported.

After about seven hours of questioning they finally let us go. I was even able to help them out with some info about Lamonica , but I find it weird as fuck that she would murder Roscoe. I mean they had on going beef , but she's doesn't have the heart to kill anyone.

When we got home it was time for Rose to go to work and I needed to get some things done at the Warehouse.

We both got ready and I dropped her off at work and headed to the Warehouse. When I got there it was some unfamiliar cars outside and I knew some fishy shit was up.

I hopped out of the car and I saw NONE of my guards. I grabbed my gun outta the glove compartment and went inside. By the time I had gotten in the door good , someone hit me across the head and knocked me the fuck out.

When I woke up I was ass naked , tied to a table in what appeared to be one of El Wan Diablo's old Warehouses. Although I was a little groggy and my vision was beyond blurry , I managed to make out some of his boys.

I tried to talk, but soon realized they had my mouth taped up. The only moise that came out was "Mm mmmm mmm."

They laughed at me like everything was a fucking joke but when I get loose and get my hands on these fuckers , somwbody is going to have some hell to pay. The way my heart and mind is set up , it's nothing for me to knock a couple of motherfuckers off.

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