Make it Right

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Rose POV

I've been calling Rudy nonstop all day and she has not answered her phone. It's been three days and I've been worried sick. I've left voicemail after voicemail and NOTHING. I didnt realize I'd neglected her the way I did. I know I told her she's done wrong shit and fucked me up but I didn't mean it. I love that girl so much. I'd hate to see something happen to her. God please, guide me to the love of my life.

I rode to Wan's house to see if she was there. I went to his door and knocked.

"Hey sis" Wan said hugging me.

"What's good bro, Rudy here?"

"Nah , I was just about to ask you about her , I been calling but haven't gotten an answer from her."

"Wan , where could she be. You know she's due any day now. I dont need her to be in labor without us."

"I know, it just won't be the same man"

I stood there in silence tearing up.

"Tell you what" Wan said breaking the silence, "Imma go see if she in her spot if she is , I'll bring her ass home"

"Alright bro"

" You go home and get some rest and take care of my baby, I'll be back later."

I drove home got in the bed and drifted off into a deep sleep with my princess in my arms.

5 hours later...

I jumped out of my sleep to someone banging on my damn door.

I hopped out of bed and ran to the front door hoping it was Rudy. I flung the door open and there she was standing there with dried up tears on her face.

Wan was standing next to her, "I figured she was at the spot sis. I got her right. She's all yours. Make this shit right Rudy. We're too old to run from our problems."

He turned around and left and I grabbed Rudy and began to sob into her shirt.

"Rudy baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of that shit I said. Being with you is not a mistake. You are my world. My life. You have given me some of the greatest most precious gifts anyone could receive. Your love, our babygirl, and our babies that are growing inside of you. I don't know how I could ever say such mean and hurtful things to you. Baby I'm sorry please forgive me."

She lifted me from her shirt and looked me in my eyes and said "Rose no. Babygirl, you're right. I've put you in some tough situations and I've done some fucked up shit. Shit that you didn't have to put up with but you did and I have so much love and respect for you for that. For everything you do and have done for me baby. I guess I lashed out because I felt like you were ignoring me but you were just trying to get back to a sense of normalcy and I was too blind and dumb to see that. Baby I AM sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to put you through any of this shit. Can you forgive me?"

She placed her hand on my chin and lifted my face back up to eye level and smirked a little bit , "Mrs. Baldwin".

When she said that my heart melted and I began crying all over again. "Of course I forgive you baby, I love you so much."

She grabbed me in her arms and gave me the tightest most heartfelt hug. I could feel how much this woman truly loves me. How could I have ever even imagined leaving her? How could I imagine my life without her ? She's the woman of my dreams. No one else fits me but her.

I shook myself from my thoughts and led her up the stairs. It's been a while and baby we've got some making up to do.

We got upstairs and had the sweetest, most passionate and nasty sex we've had since we've been together and I enjoyed every moment of it. This was my life, this is my baby, this is what I've been missing and it had been in front of me all along.

After we finished we got up and took a shower and I went downstairs to help Rudy make dinner, which turned to me cooking considering she was 30 seconds away from going into labor. I took over and made her favorite. Chicken Alfredo with Garlic cheese bread. Her and those twins tore that damn food up.

After eating and cleaning up, we gave babygirl a bath and put her to bed.  We went into our room and started a movie on Netflix and drifted off to sleep.

Everything was all good until I heard Rudy scream out, "AAAGH! Shit!"

"Rose, baby. I think my water just broke."

"Fuckkkkkk! We're about to have the babies!"

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