Unfinished Business Part 2

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Rudy POV

It was Friday and Wan and I were cooling at my house just chillin while his kiddos played in the other room.

I was sitting thinking about my Nona and got pissed all over again. I was mostly mad at God because he took my only support system from me when I already have no one. I need someone to take my anger out on. Jazz and Black !

"Ooh shit , Jazz and Black still at the Warehouse ." I semi yelled to him.

"Hell yea. You're right. Wanna roll through ?"

"My nigga , you already know. "

"I need a way to let some of this anger out anyways. I righteous wanna just fuck some shit up one good time. "

"Shidd. Let's go."

We hopped up got dressed grabbed the boys and got in the car headed to the Warehouse.

When we got there , two of my security guards took DJ and Lik to one of our backrooms.

I walked in the dungeon where Black and Jazz were.

Jazz POV

I saw Rudy and Wan walk in so I knew some shit was about to go down. She looked pissed as fuck. I should be the pissed one. She's had us in this damn dungeon for at least five months. They feed us and shit but I'm tired of fast food. Black and I have lost so much weight and we stink because we can't bathe and we have to piss and shit on ourselves. I don't even know how we're alive. Every night I pray that God takes me in my sleep so I won't have to suffer like this.

I suffered 5 fucking periods in this fucking dungeon. I already have blood everywhere , I might as well go ahead and die.

She walked towards me. She just shook her head.

"How dare you betray me the way you did Jazz ? That shit is lowdown as fuck. You know the punishment for unloyalty right ?" She said with rage.

I hodded my head.

"Yea , bitch. I know your dumb ass does know."

She took out a needle and jammed it in my neck. In seconds I felt my body get this numb limp almost paralyzed feeling , but I was wide awake. She turned and kicked me in my stomach.


I began to weep.

"Fuck you crying for now bitch ? Don't cry. It's all good cause your ass will never see the light of day again. This is it for you!"

She pulled out her gun and shot me in between my legs. It stung and hurt so bad that I began to weep even more. Next she shot me in my arm shattering my bone. She then shot me in my stomach. I felt the breath slowly leaving my body. This was it. She is about to kill me. I'm going to die. Finally , she put the gun to my head. Boom ! That is all I remember because after that I was dead. My soul slowly crept from my body into the midst of the air. I looked down and saw my body on the ground , shot up , bloody and with no life. She yelled to her workers. "Put her body in one of the big barrels , pour Gas on her and burn it up." Although I was now dead , this horrible feeling sunk to the middle of my stomach. I saw them dragging my body to the barrels. I turned away , I'd rather not see my body burned like that. I looked over and she was about to work on Black. I knew he would get it worse than me. He actually had her shot. He would never be able to live that down. I felt a tug , it must be time for me to go. The soul only lingers for a small amount of time after death. My existence soon faded away.

Rudy POV
The boys had just taken Jazz's body to burn it.

"Now Black it's your motherfuckin turn. I can't believe your dumb ass tried to have me killed.  You must have thought I was gone die ? Nahh nigga not that fast."

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