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(A/n: Alright y'all...  this is really 'IT. 😌. I'm gonna cue the music as (a/n:**) for y'all to get the feels & keep this short. It's been a rollercoaster but I present the last chap! It will be the longest cause I don't wanna split it. But enjoy! )

Reader's POV:

Chopping and sizzling noises mix with the soft alternative music in your apartment. Loretta and yourself were working hard to prepare the feast.

The little miss is cutting and peeling up all the fruits and vegetables making preparations easier for you. You prep the duck, pulling out a strange machine she's never seen before.

"(F/n), what the Hell is that?" Her brows raise.

"Oh, this." You rub the heavy metal machine. "It's an air compressor."

"Um okay. What are you using it for?"

Cackling quietly you put the duck on the table. "I'm gonna pump it." You slip the hose from the compressor under the skin and watch it work.

Loretta gives you a bizarre stare, getting back to cutting the scallions and onions. "Maybe you've gone too wild for his birthday. How much did you pay for that thing?"

"Around $150." You nonchalantly put it aside. Her eyes open wide.

"Is there anything else you're going to use it for?"

"Nope." You pat the Duck dry with a paper towel. "Don't worry. I plan on upping the price $80 and selling it to the first sucker who wants it." You shamelessly wink.

"I didn't know you were a swindler. You have all types of tricks up your sleeves and a whole lot of personality." She giggles.

"I keep things lively." Grabbing the Duck by the neck you hang it on a meat hook and place a large bowl underneath it. "Will you turn off that sauce and bring that pot of water over? Careful it's hot."

Nodding Loretta turns off both burners and brings the steel pot to the counter. "What are you doing with this?"

"Watch and learn." Grabbing a ladle from the drawer you evenly scoop boiling water over the Duck. The skin subtly starts to rise exactly like the video you watched a dozen times.

"You look like you know what you're doing," Loretta comments sitting on a stool.

"I've only read the recipe a hundred times because I knew I'd do everything last minute. Just like I usually do. It's a bad habit."

"As long as things get done— so be it. You're good. Don't stress it."

"Thanks. I just don't want to mess things up." You continue scalding the bird. "This is the happiest I've been in a long while. Even despite not having found my sister. It makes me feel kind of bad."

"It's not like you planned all of this. Shit happens."

"I tell myself all the time." You giggle. "It still doesn't feel right though." Finished with that step you turn to the fridge and grab two beers, handing one to Loretta.

"You're sister is a Twilight, right?" She pops the tab waiting for the fizz to die down.

"Yeah." You open yours immediately taking a sip.

"You know I could probably look her up in the system. Every Twilight is required to register in a certain database. There's a record on all of them. Even orphans that get adopted."

Eyes twinkling with hope, you shakily ask, "Something like that can be done?"

Nodding, "Of course. If you know the right people. I so happen to." She smiles. "If you give me the name of the orphanage she was adopted from I can pull some strings."

Gangsta: Dumb Doug X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now