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(A/n: Whooo! I'm on a fucking roll y'all! I feel decent 😄 & y'all been so nice. Here's some love 💞! But let's jump into this shit. It's a little smut in here. So yeah, you know what to do lol......Enjoy!🤗)

Reader's POV:

"Ugh, it's way past my bedtime. I'm not made for drinking like this anymore." Chad complains yet finishes his drink.

Giggling, "But we have to hang a little more. Look how close those two are." You point to Loretta and Balfour at a booth. His arm drapes over her shoulder and she comfortably leans into him.

"They are hitting it off quite well." He quirks a brow in surprise. "But still, I bet they won't even touch first base and I'm exhausted."

"It was your idea for us to go to Bastard. Don't complain now." You down a shot of D'usse, feeling quite heated.

Grumbling, "It's not like we could stay at the restaurant all night. I didn't think they'd loosen up so much after a few drinks. If only I knew sooner..." He taps the counter signaling the bartender to pour him another for you both.

"We helped, you know. If we weren't here who knows hows smoothly things would really go."

"Hehe. You're right." He raises his glass. "Cheers to us." He clinks his cup against yours once you lift it.

At the same time, you both down your drinks together. You glance over your shoulder checking on the two birds. He was whispering in her ear and she laughs at whatever he's saying.

She doesn't look too drunk. So whatever risque decisions she may make is entirely up to her. Things seem a little steamy between them making you think of your own lover.

Pulling out your phone you see it's already 1:30 a.m. Maybe he's already asleep. It's not like you can't surprise him with a little cute message though.

Then again, your spelling wasn't exactly on point at the moment. A small sigh escapes you and Chad notices, giving a small chuckle.

"I can't keep your mind off him as your date? How disappointing." He cackles out, patting your back.

"Sorry." You place the phone back in your purse. "It is rude of me to ignore a handsome man like you." You bring your glass to your lips.

"Don't butter me up. What do you even like about Doug? He's an asshat." Laughing at his remark you almost choke on your drink.

"Oh gosh. An asshat?" You repeat.

Nodding, "That's right. He's immature and nonchalant. How's that attractive?"

"I don't know. I just really love him. He's not all that bad though. He expresses his feelings more than ever without me pressing him for it."

"He's usually inarticulate with his words. So, that's an improvement." Chad tiredly yawns. It's becoming more apparent that he won't last another hour.

"We should wrap up for the night. I'd hate for you to exhaust yourself cause of us." You place a few twenties on the counter, going to assist the old man to put his jacket on.

"Hehe. I wish I had a girl like you." He slips his arms in the sleeves, spinning away from the bar in the stool. "I'm gonna wait outside and have a smoke."

"Okay. I'll go fetch those two." You watch him stroll out the entrance. His walking wasn't unsteady so he'd certainly be okay to drive.

You walk over to the booth feeling bad that you're about to ruin the great atmosphere between then.

Gangsta: Dumb Doug X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now