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(A/n: 🎤 Guess who's back, back again, Maiden's back, tell a friend. 😂 iight, iight let me stop lol. But here's another chap for you lovely peeps. Thankss for 18k! Y'all too good to me Fr Fr 😘💞! Enjoy!)

Reader's POV:


Gentle fingers massaged your scalp, lathering Lavender scented shampoo into your hair. Your hands and feet were being tended to as well; adorned with black and (f/c).

It was your well-deserved day off. You felt like pampering yourself a little after all the extra hours you picked up. Though, this was already pre-planned with Loretta.

It was a big day for her.

The stylist was currently blowing out her hair from afar. She looks a little nervous; rambling to the hairdresser about only clipping off a little and not hitting it with the flatiron more than twice.

A small laugh rumbles in your throat. You close your eyes, humming softly to the song in the background. It wasn't long before you were lead away from the sink into another seat beside Loretta.

She was still being fretful; intensely staring at her reflection for the slightest fuck up. You understood though. You wouldn't go to a new place if you're uncertain how they deal with specific hair types.

However, this place is the exception, and you've tried many. The twin owners Melanie and Meilani always took great care of their customers accordingly. This time around you were thinking of getting some highlights. Something to refresh your appearance a little.

"Um... (F/n)." You look beside you.

"Yes, dear?"

"How often do you come here?"

"Oh, just every three weeks, or so. Connie recommended it to me and I haven't had a bad experience yet." You reassure her it'll be okay.

Relaxing, "Great. But is all this necessary? I mean, guys don't really have an eye for detail."

"They do. You just have to surprise them and your guy is a police officer. He had better have an eye for detail in his line of work."

"You're probably right, but I can't help but think this is a bad idea. Lying to them both, when it's really just a date." She sighs.

"I'm going to be right beside you as a mediator. Relax girl. I got you. After this, we're gonna get massages, put on some makeup, and get your man. It'll be great." A smirk plasters your face.

"Yeah. Sounds good!" Loretta pumps her fist in the air much to the hairstylist irritation. They even asked her to be still.

You made sure not to rile her up any more than she was. Just when you were about to close your eyes vibrating from your pocket caught your attention. It could only be one person.

Digging the phone out of your pocket You smile before placing it to your ear.

"Yes, dog?"

"Can't you call me something that suits me?"

"What would that be, little shit?" you giggle hearing him huff on the other end.

"Well, slut certainly does you justice, doesn't it?"

Your lips quiver. He always one-up's you.

"What can I do for you?"

"I want to see you. Can I come over?"

"I'm actually busy tonight. I'm going to hang out with Loretta. I think she might stay the night, too."

"Is that so... What are you two up to?"

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