Walk You Home

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    She threw on a parka before strolling through the park. Oh how she wished that she could stop time. Or have Izone be together forever. "So... what are you doing here at this time of day?" shit. Taekwondo skills from fighting my brother please don't fail me now. 

     Minjung roundhouse kicked the man in the head before she grabbed her taser. She faced the man on the ground incase he decided to get up and attack her. She'd be ready. The man wore a purple turtle neck with a black cotton overcoat. He wore black jeans with black dress shoes. He also had a wool knitted scarf matching his turtle neck. One that Minjung recognized. It was similar to  the peach one that she had. Minjung bought that scarf 3 years ago when she went to the shopping center with... "Oh my god. You can't do things like that. Not at 1am! Are you okay?"

     "I'm okay. You hit my shoulder. I'm lucky that I became much taller." The man smiled. Minjung scoffed before hugging the taller man.

     "What are you doing in this part of town?" Minjung sighed.

     "I could ask you the same thing."

     "I asked first."

     "Did you really though?" The man spoke as Minjung scoffed.

     "Aish. I was... thinking.... about after Izone."


"I- just... I'm just scared. Of being alone. I know that one day, I'll wake up and I won't have to wake up Yujin. I'll wake up and Minjoo isn't telling me to hurry up in the bathroom. I'll wake up and The Sakura- Hyewon duoisn't playing video games in the living room. I'll wake up and Eunbi Unnie isn't drinking sprite in the kitchen. I'll wake up and Yena Unnie isn't there to cheer me up. I'll wake up and Chaewon Unnie isn't watching a mukbang.  I'll wake up and Chaeyeon Unnie isn't laughing. I'll wake up and Hitomi and Nako aren't conversing Japanese. I'll wake up and Yuri isn't practicing her vocals. I'll wake up and Wonyoung won't be smiling. I'll wake up and they'll be gone....."

     "Believe it or not, I went through that too. And it's okay to. There was a time where I was alone. After I debuted with Chewing Gum and couldn't promote because of my back. I was scared that I'd miss out on inside jokes and interactions the boys had that I wouldn't understand. But there were a couple things that made it okay. 1. I know I'd see them again. 2. They always messaged me and vise versa. 3. I could cherish the memories that we had already made. 4. Someone visited me often to keep my mind off of the loneliness." The boy told nudging Minjung after the fourth point.

     "I wonder who that person could be?" Minjung smirked.

     "The person who bought me this scarf." The man answered.


     The two of them smiled. "I understand why to latch onto your bandmates. You did the same thing when Hyerin told you she was leaving. You clung onto her because you didn't want to say goodbye. But you did. And you made sure her last days in Korea was worth remembering. I know you'll do the same with Izone. Once you're locked in, you give your everything. It's one of the things I admire about you."

     "Thanks Jaemin. But here's the thing. I know that I should enjoy the moment, but my mind can't help from wandering to the what will be."

"It's hard to not think about the future. Yeah it could be daunting but it could be so much more. Sure things will end but new things will start. You'll be okay." Jaemin reassured. Minjung laud her head on the older boy's shoulder. After a couple minutes of silence, he spoke. "Any other concerns?"

     "Well... there's a situation back at the dorm.... My heart is being pulled in a couple different directions."

"Complicated love life?"

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