The Talk

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     The golden sun of the morning seeped through the slivers in the blinds casting its glow on the sleeping beauty. The grey bundle snuggled into her chest and licked her face. A soft smile appeared on her lips as she stretched her limbs. A sigh of satisfaction fell escaped her mouth. It was a good sleep.

     Ari ran down the bedside stairs as Minjung turned around. "Creep."

     "I am not a creep. I just came up here to say bye before I go."

"Do you have a schedule?" Minjung asked opening her eyes.

"I'm about to go on tour."

Minjung threw the blankets off of herself before dashing over to the boy with pink hair. She wrapped her arms around him. "Bye. And thanks for stopping by to see me."

"Anytime. I hope this voting thing blows over soon. You deserve happiness." Jaemin gleamed.

"Thank you. Actually I should go back too."

"Alright let's take the subway together."

"I think people are staring at us...." Minjung whispered.

"No just me. It because I'm hot."


"Yah you're the one who took the subway with me."

"I did not take the subway with you. I just happen to be going in the same direction as you. And I didn't want to wait for another subway."

"Excuses excuses." Jaemin shook just head.

"I'm getting off at this stop." Minjung glared. It was her stop.

"I'm not stopping you."

"See ya." Minjung smiled.

"Bye bye."

Minjung walks through the door with a blinding smile on her face. Her ponytail swung side to side as she walked to the kitchen. "Good morning!" She cheered.

"You're awfully happy." Eunbi pointed.

"Is it wrong for me to be" Minjung asked tilting her head. "Is....that my binoculars"

"No! No! It's not." Yena panicked. She threw herself onto the table to cover the binoculars.

"Okay..... what are you doing."

"I'm counting my winnings." Yena smirked.

"Give the money back I'm not dating Jaemin." Minjung laughed.

"What? But you were with him at the park. At 1am. And you even hugged him. And he walked you home! And stayed in your house! And and! There was word that you took the subway with Jaemin."

"See! You were watching me!"

"Well Jaemin was coming over so I had to scope it out."

"Wait how did you know Jaemin was coming over?" Eunbi asked.

"I uh......"

"You took my mom's phone to text him didn't ya." Minjung sighed.

"Your words not mine." Yena said.

"Damn you're worse than dispatch. And by the way you lost the bet. Minjoo too."

"Minjoo what?" Minjoo asked trudging out of the shared room.

"Lost the bet."

"Oh. Ok. I'm gonna go back to cuddling with Chaewon."

"Can I cuddle too?"

"No!" Minjoo objected.

"Well when am I going to cuddle with my best friend?" Minjung whined.

"When you stop whining." Chaewon scolded using her pointer finger.

"K I stop now." Minjung smiled.

Chaewon shook her head but failed to hide her smile. "Come here." Minjung stood tall before her eyes disappeared as she smiled. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Chaewon breathed as Minjung crushed her with a bear hug.

     "Oi don't kill my girlfriend."

     "But she's so cuddly."

"Hey guys!!!!" Chaeyeon cheered. "What is the topic of discussion today?"

"Minjung being in a relationship." Yujin answered.

"What!" Nako and Sakura growled.

"I hate all of you. No I'm..... nvm....." Minjung began. The girl froze. Gears whirled in her head. She really didn't want to hurt the older girl. "S-Sakuchan uh.... can I talk to you?"

Sakura nodded before following her out the dorm and up to the roof. "Jungie?" Minjung sat with her feet dangling over the sofa. She played with her ring finger as Sakura sat next to her.

"I need...."

"I'm not the one you want to be with."

"If I was going off that then I would be talking to Hyewon Unnie."

"So why not me?"

"I- feel comfortable, and I don't know if it's yeah this is nice, or yeah this is how friends are. If we end up dating, you're coming in with so much feelings and it's hard for me to match it. It'll be unfair to you if I just date you without feelings."

"I understand. It doesn't mean I'm not hurt but I don't want this friendship to go down the drain just because of this. So could we still be friends?"


"Oh now I got to hate Nako. If she ever hurts you." Sakura laughed.

"You really think Nako of all people would hurt me? Do you really hate Hyewon or Eunbi for what they did?"

"The real question is do you?"

"No. They deserve happiness."

"Are you really happy."

"There's no doubt that I still love Hyewon. But I gave my all and that wasn't enough. So there was nothing I could do. It was also my fault as it was hers."

"Well at least you learned what not to do." Sakura assured.

Minjung nodded before standing back up. Sakura followed before linking her arms around the younger's arm. "Guys we have news." Sakura cheered.

"You guys are dating!" Wonyoung concluded.

     "No I'm messing with you guys. But Minjung does need to talk to Nako." Sakura responded.

     Nako leaped over to Minjung and wrapped her legs around Minjung's waist. "Okay baby koala, good thing you're not Yujin." Minjung then proceeded to walk out of the dorm.

     "What's wrong with me?"

     "You're too big and will most likely kill me if you jump on me."

     "Wait so who won the bet?"

     "No one as of this moment." Minjung yelled back.

      Nako koala hugged Minjung until the younger girl placed her on the sofa. "You needed to talk?"

     "Uh I. I want to pursue a relationship with you. But I don't think I'm quite ready yet so could we just talk more and hangout more for now?" Minjung asked while holding Minjung's hand.

     "Of course. We'll take it slow." Nako agreed. Minjung showed off her pearly white teeth as she tackled the shorter girl.

    "It's cold let's go back down." Minjung mumbled into Nako shoulder. Nako let the younger go down as she stayed to watch over the morning traffic. She swallowed the lump in her throat before sighing with a smile. She then skipped down the stairs to the rest of the girls.

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