My shoe!

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March 4th 2021

"Among the members, who can drive?" Yujin asked.

Four members raised their hands. Chaewon jumped in her spot and Eunbi shouted for money. "Minjung can't you drive as well?" One of the staff member asked.

"Yes but I'd rather be a passenger so I can sleep." Minjung admitted as the members laughed.

"If Minjung Unnie doesn't want to do it then we'll have Chaeyeon Unnie, Yena Unnie, and Eunbi Unnie as the team leaders." Yujin announced. Chaewon sulked when she wasn't picked.

"Wait a minute, if you go with Eunbi Unnie, she has no money..." Nako trailed.

"Nako how could you say something like that to me."

"So then the three leaders will be given some time to tell the members what kind of trip they are going to lead." Yujin informed. "The members will then listen to their appeals carefully and write down the name of the leader and the reason for picking them."

"Then should I go first?" Yena asked. "First off we're really relaxed." She said showing off her money.

Eunbi Unnie went next. "I don't have money but I think it's about the heart. I will try everything and anything to make sure my teammates don't starve."

"Out of the three of us, I can drive the safest." Chaeyeon announced.

The members got their ballots and wrote down where they wanted to go. The members diligently wrote their choice as Minjung stood in the center. She bent the ends of the card together turning it into a C-shape.

The fifth youngest peeked over at Nako's card before shaking her head. "These votes are crazy."

Realization hit Minjung. She hadn't hung out with Chaeyeon in a while. The girl quickly wrote down her vote and skipped to drop off her ballot.

      "Minjung you seem happy." Eunbi noticed.

      "I think I'm guaranteed to get into my choice." Minjung shrugged. She saw enough ballots to know the majority of people were going for Yena.

      "Okay now that you have all casted your votes, you can stand behind your leader."

      Minjung waddled to Chaeyeon. She waddled so quickly that she slipped on the dried grass falling onto her side. The other members laughed while pointing at Minjung. The Korean-American dusted herself off before standing behind Chaeyeon.

      Hitomi looked over at the long line and turned to see Minjung. The October baby wrapped one of her arms around a Minjung's neck. The leaders were told to turn around and the two girls dropped to the floor in a squat.

      Chaeyeon pouted when she saw no one in her line until two little head popped into her sight. She screamed with joy and wrapped one arms around the purple haired girl and the other around Hitomi's height buddy.

      Eunbi was sad but Minjung pulled her into a hug before offering, "The four of us could be a group."

      "I won't drive! You guys can walk!"

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