Chapter 29 |Morning Surprise|

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Before the chapter starts I'm adding a new POV to the story.

|Corrupted Sonic's.POV|

This Sonic is the one that is the killer and cannibal, the crazy one


This one is the normal one from chapters 1-12 who is afraid and hates Shadow.

It's basically Sonic, but his personality switches from both sides every now and then

Now onto the chapter


I wake up the next morning to find out that it's Friday. Tomorrow on Saturday is the day that we finally get out of here. If the plan doesn't work out, then we're absolutely fucked. I cleared my head and analyzed my situation. The cuffs I had on would set off an alarm if they were taken off without authority. There wasn't a keyhole to pick at, just a small chain that connected the cuffs to possibly break through. Question is how I'm gonna break through it. It'll come to me when the time is right. I just needed to figure it out.


A nurse and two guards from whatever this facility is had come to my room and taken me outside to what looked like a field of grass and some benches to sit on. There wasn't much to do around here. They told me that I could walk around and do whatever, they also said that I only had an hour of this 'free time' so I took some time to walk around and explore. Strangely I felt as if a part of me has been and seen this before. My ears rise up when I hear my name being called. That voice sounded familiar, a little too familiar to not recognize it.

I end up finding myself next to a window that showed the monster himself calling me from his cell. Not only do I want revenge but I also want some answers. "Darling, you look beautiful in the morning light", he said from his cell window. "Cut the crap, tell me where we are", I screeched. He looked at me all confused like an idiot. "Having a bad morning, love?", he asked.

"I told you to stop calling me love! Where the hell are we!", I asked again.

"Did you lose your memory again?", he asked with a smirk. "I don't remember or know how we got here, the last thing I remember is you killing my friends in front of me!", I shouted. He leaned against his shoulder and smirked down at me. "So you don't remember eating those delicious treats that you craved so often?", he teased.

"What treats?".

"Those treats that you'd get right after a successful kill. You loved eating them, no matter who it was", he said and chuckled. My stomach started hurting from thinking about the words he said. I wasn't actually eating innocent people, let alone killing people. He's just messing with me like he always does. I banged my hand against the concrete wall and stomped away.


What an unexpected surprise, Sonic loses his memory again. I laugh inside from what had just happened. I loved teasing his older self when he was sane, it was just adorable when he tried acting threatening. It's like he has two personas, one where he is crazy and driven to insanity, and one where he is normal and frightened all the time. That's all I could ever ask for, I just love getting what I want. My adorable toy and my crazy little doll were put together in one. I sighed happily and leaned against the wall, my day was so much better now, I can't wait to come and get him when I make my escape.

|Sonic's POV|

I stomped away with my fists all balled up, clawing my palms. I growled and pulled on my ears. My eyes were filling with tears as I fell on my knees. That old memory of falling on my knees when I was running over to Tails and Amy was coming back to me. I wish that I could've stopped it, I was so stupid for thinking that hanging out with Shadow that one Friday night was ever a good idea. If I could ever somehow get my old life back, I will never trust anyone for the rest of my life. My face is ruined for life, my entire body hurts. My stomach hurt the most though, and I noticed that my breath would at times smell very rotten and gross. It certainly wasn't any food and I could tell by the tastes. Was I really a cannibal? There's no way that I'd be spending my time eating corpses or even other hedgehogs. The thought was so revolting that I started feeling nauseous and eventually I found myself throwing up by the grass. It was so disgusting to think about, I still gagged even when I had already thrown up everything.

The guards caught on and took me back inside where they washed me up from the mess. I cried again for the millionth time in misery when I still realized that I wasn't free from anything. Damn, it was coming back again, the will to leave was fading and I so badly just wanted to die.

Damn it, can someone just end this already?!


I was served a pleasant breakfast this morning along with a brand new Sonic that had an innocent mind again. Hopefully his crazy persona doesn't take over when I come to get him. I just wanna mess with his innocent mind once again for the fun. What a package, huh? When he's crazy he's a cannibal and a murderer. Then when he's normal, he's adorable and frightened by me. I know you're probably tired of hearing me compare the two different characteristics but it was just an actual dream come true.

I can't wait to spoil him with love and fear~


I apologize for a short chapter, not feeling as motivated as I was for the previous chapters

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