Chapter 38 |My Final Goodbye|

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Today was the anniversary of the day that I had come to visit Shadow's house that one Friday night. I walked by his grave, where I placed a small bouquet of flowers by the grave that he rested underneath. The day at the hospital was the last day that I had ever touched and seen him. Now that he's gone, it feels so much more different without him. I sat by his grave, while my siblings watched from a short distance. I wanted a little alone time with him, or at least what was left of him. I put my hand on that gravestone and sighed. "I know that this is probably weren't expecting me to be here. I can understand how awkward this situation is....I really meant to die that night, but I couldn't. Too much had happened from it. I'll never forget the forced time that we shared together. A cold winter morning was all that I remember. It was Friday night, and we were ready to have fun and hang out that night. You forced me to play hide and seek, while also forcing me to kiss you. A smiling face is a beautiful one, but it isn't always pretty. But now that my nightmare is over, I've come to the realization that on the morning that I was sent to the hospital, I got a horrible morning surprise that you were truly dead that morning. Truthfully, I'll admit that when I was with you, I had the perfect smile. I have a little bit of family now, but that's your fault. Even though you are hold a small place in my heart. Don't let that part get to your head though. I still hate you after all that you've done to me. In many ways, I hope that you burn in hell....but... You've done something to me that I still can't figure out. I almost feel this attachment to you. And that's why I'm here, I need to let go of you", I said to his grave. No response whatsoever. He was gone, dead and gone forever. I grabbed and held onto his grave while I tried to let the pain go away. I was gonna move on and finally let go for the last time. I needed to move on, and as I said my goodbyes, the memories came flooding back to me.

|Memory Flashback 1|

"Sonic...I was just wondering....could you maybe come over to my house one day to... I don't know hang out or whatever" shadow asked playing with his fingers while looking me directly in my eyes. I looked up at him as he was a little taller than me.

"Sure, does this Friday sound good?" I asked. Shadow nodded and we went our separate ways at school. I'll admit that shadow is a little weird but he's alright in my book. I mean he can be awkward sometimes but he's not so bad once you get to know him, he's always had this mysterious vibe to him which makes me question sometimes.

|Memory Flashback 2|

I woke up feeling warmer than I ever did in the winter time, my eyes were half open but I was conscious enough to see that my face was almost buried in something fluffy. At first I thought it was a fluffy pillow, I purred next to it loving the feeling. But not too long after did I realize that it wasn't a pillow. I shifted a little and something tightened around me, a pair of arms held me. I looked up and saw that Shadow was laying right in front of me, holding me. I blushed realizing that the fluffy thing was his chest, I never knew he had chest fur, I guess it's cause I never seen him without a shirt until now. I heard him make purrs in his sleep, it was honestly kinda cute but I wasn't so comfortable considering that we weren't close enough friends to be doing something like this, hell, we weren't even a couple.

|Memory Flashback 3|

"If you kiss me I'll let your friends live and we can be together forever, and I won't try to kill anyone else for you" he said

I thought about it, if I do this then no one else will get murdered and everyone can be safe, but it costs everything that I loved, I can't see my best friends anymore and I won't be able to finish school if he keeps me here. I closed my eyes and quickly leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't bad...but it wasn't passionate either, just a simple kiss, I guess the thing that made it different was the fact that this was shadow and not someone that I actually liked. A sudden cold breeze from the wintery air hit us hard and we both shivered away from the kiss. Shadow smiled and picked me up and took us back inside the house. "We'll work on that kiss" he said

|Memory Flashback 4|

I woke up with my eyes opening wide and not even half a second later I felt the most gut wrenching....traumatizing.... pain. I screamed so loud and so hard when I realized that my face had a long extended stitched on smile. When I screamed I could feel the stitches restricting my mouth from screaming. But that restricted feeling only lasted a small second because when I screamed with my mouth so wide open I snapped something causing the stitches and strings to get loose and release a mouthful of my blood that I coughed up on the bed.

And soon I heard the monster himself walk into the room.

"Aww you don't like your new face? "

|Memory Flashback 5|

Blood splattered across the concrete when Shadow bashed this poor Wolf's head against the hard brick wall. My smile faded as now the only smile on my face was my stitched smile. I swear I could see this Wolf's brains coming out of his skull. It was so sad and disgusting I just wanted to throw up. My silent cries were not doing anything to help the situation. Shadow was going crazy on this Wolf who was still alive for a few seconds, he looked up at me silently asking for help.

I hyperventilated and fell on my knees holding my hands near my chest. Shadow was cutting this guy open pulling out all his insides like he was opening a present or something. All across the floor his guts and organs were now mushed on the concrete. At this point the wolf didn't even have a face anymore, Shadow completely ripped it off revealing his skull.

|Memory Flashback 6|

Now that he's gone, it's like there's little to be happy about. When I finished my moment with him, I kissed his forehead, before pulling the blanket back over him.

|End of Flashbacks|

I smiled and pulled my hand off his grave. I stood up and sighed. I heard my siblings calling for me from the car. I looked down at his grave one last time, I pulled my red scarf off my neck and wrapped it around his grave as it will only be a distant memory. "So long...darling", I said as I blew him a kiss, before walking back to the car and sitting in the backseat. I strapped in and looked out the window and stared at his grave as we drove away. I felt a little free, and I could finally go on with my life. Our town was safe from Shadow's violent nature. I still don't know the full reason on why he killed, but I guess that's something left to the imagination to why he did so. I heard the sweet voice of my brother asking me, "Hey Sonic, are you okay?" I smiled while staring out the window and hugged myself.

"As long as I smile...I'll be fine..", I said.

|~•The End•~|


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