Part 3

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 So the backstage experience won't be very realistic, because I've never gotten to experience it backstage, so I'm gonna try my best. And I'm so sorry I took so long.. There's gonna be another A/N in the end. Please read it? Okay, love you guys!! Enjoy the next part!! 

I walked towards a couch, where a couple other girls sat. The boys were talking to each other. Going on about something. The opening act boys (5 Seconds Of Summer) had joined us, not wanting to leave just yet. I stared intently at Harry. He was the perfect human being. He made butterflies, over run my stomach. I felt something I have never felt in front of any guy. Maybe that was because Harry Style's was a famous boy, and everyone else was just...Normal. They didn't have camera's flashing all about, and had time for nothing, except their music. Personally I think every fangirl knows that they won't end up with that guy.. That perfect guy, will be here. Preforming concerts for adoring fans, while I'm at home writing to some stranger, that quite possibility be a killer. I shifted in my seat, causing to get glances. I looked down at my hands. "What's your name?" I heard beside me. I looked up to see a blonde boy. "Angie.." "I'm Luke." He said, smiling. I nodded, "Yeah.. I heard from the whole stage thing.." He chuckled, "Yeah." He smiled, and then got up, walking back to the other boys. I looked over at Mia, noticing she was totally drooling over the tall boy with brown hair. I grinned, "Mia, do you have a crush?" She shook her head, "i dunno what you're talking about.." She said. I laughed, setting my head on her shoulder. I let out a yawn. "We have to travel so many hours.." I said, rubbing my eyes. "We could get a hotel." She grinned. I nodded, "M'kay." "So girls!" Liam's voice boomed. We all looked up at him. "What is your favorite song?" He asked. "You and I!" A girl squealed. Mia nodded vigorously. "Steal My Girl." I said. "What Makes You beautiful." A couple girls said. "Midnight Memories." I nodded, remembering when that was my favorite song of all times. "What's your names?" Louis asked. "I'm Stacy, and this is my friend Amy." "Alisha." "Mia, and this is Angie." The boys grinned, and other girls said their names. We were strangely calm for being backstage with one of the biggest bands, and the newest opening act. They were actually really good live, no wonder One Direction wants them touring with them! "Well, we heard its someone's birthday today! And we have a special surprise!" Niall said. My face went pale. Please tell me someone else has the same birthday. "Angie?" Harry said, holding his hand out to me. I looked up at him shocked, but still took his hand. He pulled me up, and guided me out of the room. "We have a special surprise, and its one of a kind!" "I'm not gonna have to puke on something, am I?" I asked. He shook his head, smiling. "No. No puking." I smiled, and followed him. We stopped in a small room. "This shirt!" He cheered. I looked at it. It had all 5 of the boys' autographs. "Thanks!" I said smiling. He nodded, "Your welcome. Happy birthday." A small part of me warmed at his words. Happy Birthday. I slipped the shirt into my bag carefully. We strolled out of the room, silence enveloping us. "So..How old are you now?" "18." He nodded, "Cool." I nodded too. We walked out to where the others were, some of the girls already gone. "Angie we gotta go, if we wanna get to a hotel." Mia said. "Why don't you stay with us for a little while? Even if its just for a couple hours? And you could get a room there at the hotel we're staying at." We looked at each other. "Sure." 


 So, my one friend, just made a fan account, and she has a really good book on there!! Her user is @This_Kinda_Girl Its a 5SOS Fanfiction. A Michael one, to be more exact. But its really good. And then another girl, I don't remember her user, but the books in my Library, its called Save Me, and its also a Michael Fanfiction. But I have a feeling I'm gonna cry. :'| But yeah!! I lub you all so much, and thanks for actually reading this!! :D

Letters to who? A Harry Styles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now