Part 18

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I walked down the stairs, of Harry's moms house. He was still fast asleep, but I had awoken. I walked to the kitchen, checking cupboards for the cups. Finally, I found it, and got down a cup. Walking to the fridge I got myself some water. 

I heard someone behind me, and turned quickly. Anne stood there, questioningly. "I was, uh, I was getting some water," I said motioning to the cup. She let out a small chuckle, "It's fine, no need to worry." I nodded, and sat the cup on the counter. "So, you're the one Harry's been talking about, eh?" She asked. I blushed, "I guess so.." She smiled, "He really likes you. And I'm happy for him, I truly am. But we all need to realize that when on tour... Things happen. On both sides, not just him, and not just you. I don't want my baby hurt, okay?" I nodded, "With all due respect, Mrs. Anne. I would never hurt Harry. Phisically nor emotionally. He's my world. My everything. And I.. I love him." Her face brightened, "Does he know." I shrugged, "I uh.. I guess he does. On some sort of level, he knows I love him, and he's my everything.." She nodded, "Well, I can asure you, he loves you too." I smiled brightly.

"Thanks. That means everything. And I hope you and I can be close too," I said to her. She nodded, "Me too, Angie. Me too." I smiled, and took a sip of my water. "Well, I have to go get dinner. Would you like to come with?" She asked me. I shook my head, "No thanks. I should go get Harry up. He's been asleep for awhile." I laughed. She nodded, "Very well. I'll see you soon." She said and left. I nodded to myself, before heading back up the stairs. I walked into the room Harry and I were sharing, his room, and smiled. He was cuddled into the pillows, little snores escaping from his throat. I sat down on the bed, shaking him lighly. "Harry, babe. Time to get up. Your mom just left to get some food for dinner." I whispered.

His eyes fluttered open. "Hmm?" He answered. "You gotta get up." "Mmhm."

"Come on babe." I said to him. "Come lay with me." He said, pulling on my arm. I shook my head, "Harry you need to get up." I said again. He groaned and slowly sat up. "You're no fun." He said, pouting. I rolled my eyes, "Get over it boy." I said, smiling. He stuck out his tongue. He reached for my waist, flinging me over his shoulder, and running down the steps. "You're going to fall!!" I yelled, holding onto him tightly. He laughed and ran out the back door. He ran through the background, plopping me onto the worn trampoline. I sprung up on the trampoline, staring at him. "Why'd you do that?!" I asked. He strugged, "For fun." I rolled my eyes.

"Come jump with me?" I asked, but he shook his head. "Come lay with me?" I asked instead, and he quickly agreed. I smiled, as I laid my head on his shoulder, staring at the bright clouds.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I answered, a smile plastered onto my face. He pulled me closer, and held onto me close.

I was so glad I had fallen for this boy. That I had found him. He was the light, in my dark life. He was my farovite hello. My hardest goodbye. And I honestly didn't know what I was going to do when he left. I'd be a wreck. Not being able to see him for months. I knew if I had decided to go with him, my mom would support me, as long as I finished the year in some sort of way. Whether it be at a school, or through a computer. But that means I'd miss graduation, and my last prom.

I'd honestly be honored if Harry would've come to prom with me. It would mean everything to me. I loved this boy. And I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this boy. No matter what we went through. No matter what happened. I'd always love him. And that was a fact.

I sighed, looking toward the sun. It shined brightly behind the clouds. I smiled, and stretched my neck to kiss his cheek. 


Okay! So I'm sorry I didn't update last weekend. So much has happened. My moms birthday, and then my sister turned 16 Thursday. I've been doing Marathons.. On Netflix ;) It's exausting. But it's cool. And then Zayn... Just ajsdhfui. I wanted to cry. But no matter what, I love them all so much. But any who. I just yeah... :\\\ Hope you enjoyed this!! 

ERMA GAWD, so this girl followed me last night her users like @shes_your_world or something. And I went to stalk her profile, like I always do. And she has this one book, so I went to go read it, and its just whoa. I'm not one for all the supernatural voodoo stuff, but its really good so far. Granted she only has one chapter out right now, lol. But its great I love it. And I highly recommend everyone in the world to read it because yus. And she said she has chapter 2 written she's just waitin for couple more reads. And just yus. Go check it out, and tell me what you think about it ;) <3


Letters to who? A Harry Styles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now