Part 11

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I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. Today had been another day if torture. I'd been questioned about me Harry and Luke. it was tiring. All Luke and I ever were, were friends. We weren't anything more. I sat on my bed, looking around my room. there was nothing for me to do. I didn't have to write anymore, cause I was now in a relationship to the boy I wrote to. I had him by my side. Until he went back on tour, at least... I sighed pulling the sweatshirt Harry had left over here, around me. I could still smell his cologne. I smiled, breathing in the scent. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket, unlocking it. It was a text from Harry. I smiled and opened it.
"Hey, the boys and I are hanging out. wanna come over?"
I smiled and quickly accepted. Pulling on a pair of shoes I left. I got into my car, and drive away. Soon I arrived at the small apartment the boys had gotten until their stay here was done. I road the elevator up to their floor, and searched for the familiar number C24. After finding it, I knocked. The door opened to a smiling Naill. I smiled back at him. "Hey." "Hey Angie!" He said pulling me into a hug. I smiled wrapping my arms around him. After he let me go, I walked into the main room. The 5 boys had been sitting on the couches. Nails guitar was propped up against the arm of one. He sat, picking the guitar up again. He shrummed, as the other boys sang along. I pulled out my phone filming them. Harry looked over at me, and smiled. Giving me a thumbs up. "Are you filming this?" He asked still holding his smile. I nodded in response. He quickly got up, hurrying to look over my shoulder. I laughed, "Told you." He rolled his eyes a sat beside me. "I missed you." He said snuggling into my neck. "It's only been a day!" I laughed. He shrugged, "So?" I sighed, "You'll have to get use to it, Harry. I'm not gonna be able to come on tour with you. I have to finish my senior year. I have prom and things I wanna go to. Career night.." I whispered to him. He looked up at me, "Who's gonna go to prom with you?" I shrugged, "I'll probably go by myself.." I said. He sighed, "That's not fair to you." He spoke. I shrugged again, "Then I'll go with Mia." He didn't say anything. Niall continued on his guitar, us sitting around him. Liam an Louis were still humming along, Zanye had been occupied with his phone, to notice anything. I closed my eyes, letting the music invade me.

"Angie, wake up. It's getting late. I think your mum will be worried about you." I heard Harry saying. My eyes fluttered open. His dark eyes stared down at me. "C'mon. I'll walk you to your car." He said. I sat up, and followed him out. Waving to the boys. they wave back, and we went out to the hall. "Listen I'm sorry about earlier. I knew I'd have to leave.... I knew you wouldn't come with me too.." He spoke. "Listen, Harry. I would love to go with you.. But I can't. I have priorities. I want to go to college, and experience it. I want to have a family; A home.. But going on tour won't guarantee those things. I love you Harry, I won't to go with you.. I you were to ask the little girl from 3 years ago, I'd already have my bags packed... But I've grown up since then.. I've realized I can't do that. I have to follow my dreams, not someone elses.." I spoke to him. He stared at the ground, brows furrowed in thought. "Is this you trying to breakup with me?" He asked. My eyes widened. "No! I'm just trying to tell you I can't go with you! I'm willing to try a long distance relationship if you are too." I said. He nodded, "Okay. I'm up for it." He smiled. I smiled back, placing my lips on his. "Fantastic." I said pulling away. He smiled at me, taking my hand, pulling me towards the elevator. After we said goodbye, and I got into the car, I left. Driving home in the darkness of the night. Soon I saw the glow of our porch light, and pulled into the drive. Getting out, I walked in. Heading upstairs to my room, I plugged my phone in, and changed. I wore a pair of red shorts, with a white top. I got under the covers relishing in the warmth they brought. I closed my eyes, after I turned off the light. I let sleep claim me.
Waking to the beep of my alarm I shot up out of bed. My eyes quickly closing back, when the light hit them. making my way to my blinds, I twisted them shut. sighing in relief, I opened my eyes once again. Smiling, I walked downstairs, ready to make some food. I was think French Toast today. alAfter making it, I sat at the table eating. Putting my plate in the sink, I went back upstairs. Checking my phone, I smiled.
"Good morning, beautiful 😘 I hope you have a great day and that I get to see you soon. I have to be in the studio again today, so unless we hang out later tonight, I'm not sure Ill be able to. I love you babe. ~Harry"
I smiled and got ready to type back.
"Awe I love you too. I'm free all day today, and tonight! Come over when you're done at the studio? I'll be waiting😍😘"
Putting the phone back down, I smiled at the ceiling. I stayed in my room most if the day. Only going out for food. "Angie!" I head my mom call. "Yeah!?" I replied. "Harry's here!" My eyes widened. She could have been talking to him.. I looked at the clock "11:30pm" it read. I hurried downstairs, and to where my mom held Harry captive. "Sorry! Come on babe!" I grabbed his hand pulling him upstairs with me. "Keep the door open!" My mom yelled after us. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" I replied slamming the door shut. I turned to Harry and smiled. "Hey! Im sorry you were stuck with her." I said. He chuckled, "Its fine. She's pretty cool." He said. my eyes widened, "Not this again!" I groaned. He laughed, pulling me close to him. I smiled wrapping my arms around him. we watched movies and tv. Making some popcorn too. We laid on my bed, watching movies play.
I'm super sorry about the wait! I meant to update the other night and I got distracted.. Well I can proudly say that the boys' new album is pretty amazing. Both groups of boys. 😊 I can't wait to hear more of it soon!! Happy New Years!! 🎉 I'm excited for this year haha. Umm yeah so love you all have an amazing year! And I'll talk to you soon!! 😘😘

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