Part 12

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I got out of bed, wrapping a blanket around me. The cool air lingered around my room. "Babe?" I jumped at the sudden noise. I turned to see Harry looking up at me. I smiled, "Hey." I said, planting a kiss on his forehead. He smiled, looking back at me. "What's on the agenda today?" He asked. I shrugged, "Not sure.." I answered. He nodded, "Don't make any plans. I have a surprise for you." I nodded, "Okay." He sat up, "I better get going. Be ready by 3. Okay?" I nodded, "Okie dokie." He got up, sliding on his shoes. Walking over to me, he placed a kiss on my lips. "Bye, love." He said, and headed out. I smiled, standing up. Making my way into the kitchen, I got a cup of orange juice. Getting a poptart, I sat at the table. "Hey sweetie." My mum said. I smiled, "Hey." She started her coffee, and sat accross from me. "Did Harry stay over?" I nodded, "We fell asleep watching movies. Don't worry nothing happened." I said, chuckling. She smiled, "Okay." I nodded, taking a bite of my poptart. "Oh sweetie!" She said, a smile crossing her face. "Hmm?" "Gina, and Leo are selling their apartment, across town, and they wanted to know if you were interested?" She asked. I nodded, "I'll look at it.." She nodded, "Okay! Great!" I smiled, and crumbled up the wrapper, "Yep. Well Imma go get a shower and change. Harry has something planned for us today. Or atleast he says he does." I chuckled. She smiled, "Have fun sweetie." I nodded, and made my way to the bathroom. Stripping out of my clothes, I walked into the shower, letting the warm water run down my back. I sighed, starring up at the ceiling.

"Angie!" I heard. I jumped off from my bed, and hurried downstairs. Harry waited in the living room, with my mum. "Hey there." He smiled. I waved, blushing a bit. He stood, wrapping an arm around me. "I'll be back later!" I said, as we went outside. We got into the black car, and the driver drove. "So.. What are we doing?" I asked. He smiled, "It's a surprise." I sighed, and laid my head on his shoulder. Soon the car stoppped. "Close your eyes." He said. I obeyed, and he lead me around. "Okay! Open!" He said, moving his hands away. I looked around. We were by a lake, a boat placed in the water, with a picnic basket by it. I smiled at him, "This is the cutest!" I said. He smiled back, "Thanks." We walked over to the boat, and he placed the basket in it. After getting farther down the lake, we stopped. He pulled the basket out, and we had a little picnic on the lake. It was wonderful. For the next hour, we road around, looking at everything. "So! Have anything fun in mind to do?"He asked, as we reached the shore. "Well, my mum said something about an apartment being for sale. I could call them, and then we'd look at it together." I siad, he smiled, "Okay." I smiled, and we walked back to the car. I dialled Gina's number, and asked her. They both agreed, so we headed to the other side of town. Arriving at the building, we got out. They hadn't gotten here yet so we waited by the car. "It's a nice neighborhood?" Harry said. I nodded, "I guess, I've came here a lot of times and haven't been killed." I laughed. He nodded, "Okay," I nodded, and saw a silver car pull up. Gina and Leo, both got out, walking towards us. They smiled, "Ready to check it out?" They asked,

"It's a nice place." Harry said, as he drove me home. "Yeah I like it.. It's affordable. And it'll just be me for the majority of the time," I said. He nodded, "Yeah." After reaching the drive I got out. "Bye, Harry." I said, kissing his forehead. He smiled, watching me as I walked to the door, Waving goodbye, I walked in. "Angie! Leo and Gina called, they wanted to know if you really were interested in that house." I nodded, "Super interested." I answered, smiling at her. She smiled back, "That's great, sweetie! Ill let them know!" She grinned rushing away.


Sorry its so short, I wanted to post it, before somebody came to kill me.. But yeah! Erm.. Sorry for taking awhile, please dont kill meh..But its almost 3:30AM here.. Ew. So yep.. Love you all!!

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